Expressions of Intent for International Polar Year 2007-2008 Activities
Expression of Interest Details
Enhanced resolution QuikScat/SeaWinds Arctic and Antarctic sea ice products (sea ice edge, concentration and drift) for IPY (QS sea ice 4 IPY)
The goal of this project is to further develop and adapt sea ice products from the enhanced resolution QuikScat/SeaWinds (QS) scatterometer (active microwave) in support of IPY projects. The enhanced resolution QS data are daily composites on a 2.225 km grid covering the entire Arctic and Antarctic sea ice cover. Improved algorithms have been recently developed to extract the sea-ice edge, concentration and drift from QS in the Arctic and their implementation in operations significantly improved the accuracy of the Norwegian ice service. Currently, these products permit a daily snapshot of the state and dynamics of the entire Arctic sea ice at 5 km resolution. These products would therefore be an excellent tool for data assimilation and model input for several IPY projects and will complement the satellite portfolio of “Sea ice from space for IPY, ID 108”. Further development will be done to adapt the algorithm (and potentially the original composites themselves) to the Antarctic condition with sparser satellite coverage. The Antarctic products as well as the Arctic ice concentration need to be validated by ground truth and other higher resolution remote sensing data (Radarsat, Envisat ASAR/ASAR Global Mode, AVHRR, ship and airborne ice cams, drift buoys, ice-camp or ship-based fieldwork). It will also be investigated how these products can complement ice thickness measurements. The aim is then to make the products available to other projects and ice services for field support (especially IPY field campaigns), model input and data assimilation and adapt the product formats to their specific needs. The current products will be made available in near-real time on the internet and archived under the NASA Scatterometer Climate Record Pathfinder. Ice drift products based on Envisat ASAR Global Mode data have also been developed at 1 km resolution and will complement the QS products.
Theme(s) |
Major Target |
The current state of the polar environment
Change in the polar regions
Natural or social sciences research
Education/Outreach and Communication
Data Management
What significant advance(s) in relation to the IPY themes and targets can be anticipated from this project?
The enhanced resolution QS sea ice products have been fully developed and validated for the Arctic region. It is expected that the proven usefulness will also be valid for the Antarctic when the algorithms are adapted. QS will therefore provide a global view of the entire world’s sea ice cover and their dynamics on a daily bases and be a crucial support for several projects in order to determine the present environmental status of the polar regions (Theme #1), to quantify and understand past and present natural environment in the polar regions and to improve projections of future changes (Theme #2).
What international collaboration is involved in this project?
This EoI is part of the IPY projects ID 95, 108, 141 and therefore has several international partners especially in Australia and the USA. Since QS it is a NASA satellite, the sea ice products will be archive and disseminated at the NASA Scatterometer Climate Record Pathfinder website. Contact has also been made with Dr Alvarinho Luis, National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Research from India, leading the IPY activity ID 70.
Geographical location(s) for the proposed field activities:
Fieldwork will be conducted if there is a possibility to join a cruise or ice camp of other projects (ID 95, 108, 141). Locations that are of special interest for validation are the Antarctic sea ice zone, 55S to 70 S, circumpolar, and the Fram Strait, Beaufort Sea and Barents Sea, Arctic.
Approximate timeframe(s) for proposed field activities:
Arctic: 08/06 – 03/09
Antarctic: 08/06 – 03/09
Significant facilities will be required for this project:
The project is dependant on the functioning of the QuikScat/SeaWinds sensor, which has been in orbit since 1999. The data is freely available for research projects. Fieldwork for validation will be dependant on logistical support, i.e. ice breakers, aerial surveillance and ice camps (ICEX07) provided by the partner projects or other opportunities.
Will the project leave a legacy of infrastructure?
The project is part of “Sea ice from space for IPY (ID 108)”, which aims to combine all available sea ice satellite observation and will therefore be part of a complete database (satellite portfolio) that will serve for data assimilation and model inputs in the future.
How is it envisaged that the required logistic support will be secured?
Another national polar operator
Other sources of support
Enhanced resolution QuikScat/SeaWinds data is provided free of charge by NASA/NOAA and National Environmental Satellite Data and Information System (NESDIS).
Has the project been "endorsed" at a national or international level?
Yes - The project was “endorsed” with interest from several international IPY-endorsed projects (ID 95, 108, 141).
Is the project a short-term expansion (over the IPY 2007-2008 timeframe) of an existing plan, programme or initiative or is it a new autonomous proposal?
The project is part of the IPY projects “Sea ice from space for IPY ID 108”, “The state of the Arctic ice cover ID 95” and “Antarctic sea ice ID141”. Others have shown interest in the provided data (IAOOS, ID14).
How will the project be organised and managed?
The development of the algorithms and data conversion will be done at Norut IT. Data validation during field work, data assimilation and model input procedures will be conducted in collaboration with IPY projects ID 95, 108, 141. The data will be archived at the NASA Scatterometer Climate Record Pathfinder website.
What are the initial plans of the project for addressing the education, outreach and communication issues outlined in the Framework document?
The main goal of the project is to make the QS sea ice products useful to the science community adapting them to individual needs. They will also be available in near-real time online on the internet including yearly animation for education purposes. If funding permits, a PhD or Master student will be hired.
What are the initial plans of the project to address data management issues (as outlined in the Framework document?
The project will be conducted in collaboration with D.Long for data management and the sea ice products will become part of the NASA Scatterometer Climate Record Pathfinder website ( Links will also be established with the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) and the WCRP CliC office.
How is it proposed to fund the project?
The plan is to apply for funding from the Norwegian Research Council in coordination with other projects. Other possible sources might be the Norwegian Space Center and NASA.
Is there additional information you wish to provide?
Dr Jörg Haarpaintner
Norut IT, P.O. Box 6434, Science Park
9242 Tromsø
Tel: +47 77629421
Mobile: +47 47070341
Fax: +47 77629401
Other project members and their affiliation
Name |
Affiliation |
Dr David G. Long |
Center for Remote Sensing, Brigham Young University, UT, USA |
Dr Rasmus Tonboe |
Danish Meteorological Institute, Denmark |
Dr Christian Haas |
Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany |
Helge Tangen |
Norwegian Meteorological Institute & Ice Service (, Norway |
Dr Roger De Abreu |
Canadian Ice Services, Environment Canada, Canada |
Dr Pablo Clemente-Colon |
US National Ice Center, USA |