Expressions of Intent for International Polar Year 2007-2008 Activities
Expression of Interest Details
Impact of Arctic Aerosols on Climate Modifications (IAACM)
The scientific objectives of the studies are focused on an issue of aerosol impact on climate change, the so-called: Direct Climate Effect. The research involves the studies of Arctic aerosol spatial and vertical structure, its chemical, physical and optical properties including the solar radiative closure between observed and calculated aerosol properties. The studies focused on the Arctic aerosol temporal and spatial distribution and variability based on lidar and sunphotometer observations have been conducted since 2001 within the framework of the Arctic Experiment (AREX) in the Greenland and Barents seas as well as on Spitsbergen. Doctor Tymon Zielinski and his team from the Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences (IOPAS) participated in four Arctic expeditions and took part in a joint experiment with the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), which was held in 2002. Those activities resulted in the IOPAS team being a part of an international effort ASTAR (Arctic Study of Tropospheric Aerosols, Clouds and Radiation/ The first campaign dedicated to the above issues was launched in spring 2004. The second stage is planned for 2006. Year 2007 is planned for the IOPAS team to complete the studies using the r/v Oceania (AREX experiment) and using the Large Scale Facility in Ny-Alesund (2 IOPAS researchers). The proposed activities within the framework of the IPY involve: 1.Participation of the IOPAS researchers in cruises conducted within the framework of AREX project and other international cruises performed in the Arctic region; 2.Land-based measurements at the LSF in Ny-Alesund; 3.Data processing. Participation in workshops and conferences.
Theme(s) |
Major Target |
The current state of the polar environment
Change in the polar regions
Polar-global linkages and teleconnections
Exploring new frontiers
The polar regions as vantage points
Natural or social sciences research
Education/Outreach and Communication
Data Management
What significant advance(s) in relation to the IPY themes and targets can be anticipated from this project?
Since the aerosol particle direct and indirect radiative effects have been identified as key uncertainties for the prediction of the future global climate the following issues will be addressed and evaluated: 1. Validation of satellite and lidar based data regarding the aerosol physical properties and aerosol optical thickness; 2. Determination of the spatial and temporal variability of aerosol properties; 3. Application of the results to existing climate models to verify their accuracy. Year 2007 is planned as the final part of the experimental stage and then the final analyses of the data will be conducted in 2008.
What international collaboration is involved in this project?
Collaboration within the international project ASTAR (Arctic Study of Tropospheric Aerosols, Clouds and Radiation).
Geographical location(s) for the proposed field activities:
Greenland Sea, Barents Sea, Spitsbergen
Approximate timeframe(s) for proposed field activities:
Arctic: 02/07 – 06/08
Antarctic: n/a
Significant facilities will be required for this project:
Ship time (Oceania, Polarstern) Project will be conducted during the r/v Oceania cruise (AREX) and ship time onboard the German Polarstern would be recommended for two scientists from the IOPAS. Additionally, two places would be required at the LSF in Ny-Alesund, Spitsbergen.
Will the project leave a legacy of infrastructure?
How is it envisaged that the required logistic support will be secured?
National agency
Has the project been "endorsed" at a national or international level?
Accepted by Polish National Council for IPY 2007-2008 AREX is a part of an international ASOF project. ASTAR project is an international project.
Is the project a short-term expansion (over the IPY 2007-2008 timeframe) of an existing plan, programme or initiative or is it a new autonomous proposal?
The project is a component of existing programs AREX and ASTAR
How will the project be organised and managed?
The project will be divided into two parts. Year 2007 is dedicated to the final field measurements and initial data analyses of experiments from 2004 and 2006. Year 2008 will provide the final analyses results. There will be an international workshop organized by the IOPAS in cooperation with the Alfred Wegener Institute (Germany). A number of publications are planned. The project will be managed by the IOPAS with the support from AWI.
What are the initial plans of the project for addressing the education, outreach and communication issues outlined in the Framework document?
Help in communication between the researchers from Poland, Germany, Finland, Japan and USA. Participation in an international workshop.
What are the initial plans of the project to address data management issues (as outlined in the Framework document?
Data will be provided to AREX and ASTAR databases and an additional database created for the IPY activities
How is it proposed to fund the project?
National funds, grants
Is there additional information you wish to provide?
Dr Tymon Zielinski
Institute of Oceanology
Polish Academy of Sciences
Tel: 48 58 551 72 81
Mobile: (+48) 507 300 208
Fax: (+48 58) 551-21-30
Other project members and their affiliation
Name |
Affiliation |
Roland Neuber |
Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany |
Tomasz Petelski |
Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland |
Genrik Modras |
University of Helsinki, Finland |