Expressions of Intent for International Polar Year 2007-2008 Activities

Expression of Interest Details


(ID No: 301)

Trans-Antarctic Scientific Traverses Expeditions – Ice Divide of East Antarctica  (TASTE-IDEA)

One of the most extreme environments on the surface of Earth is the ice divide that crosses the inner part of East Antarctica. Along this ice divide, the oldest layered ice, long-isolated subglacial lakes, and important earth crustal structures are located. Antarctic mass balance is the most significant gap in determining the current role of the cryosphere on the present and future contribution of land ice to sea level change. Despite past international efforts, (i.e. SCAR-ITASE program) most of the East Antarctic ice sheet is still unexplored and its subglacial geologic setting is completely unknown. East Antarctic ice cores provide the longest records of climate and atmospheric parameters but we still have an imperfect understanding of the means by which the signals of regional and global climate variability reach the coring sites and are locked into the ice records. Only through a concerted international effort will it be possible to access the interior of East Antarctica with sufficient logistic support for on ground cutting edge research in the hitherto almost totally unexplored regions and to link coastal sites with the interior. Several countries, under the auspices of SCAR and COMNAP have extensive experience undertaking ambitious scientific traverse programs in Antarctica. These traverses, coupled with airplane support, operate effectively as a polar research vessel, and offer ground-based platforms for multidisciplinary research coupled with the most modern technology. The International Polar Year Trans-Antarctic Scientific Traverses objectives and main goals are to: Obtain a new set of ice cores to extend the record of climate variability in the past on time-scales from years to millennia to integrate the short duration and lacking in instrumental record. Survey of inner and coastal unexplored part of the continent by means of geophysical measurements, shallow drillings and remote sensing techniques. Obtain a chronological linkage between the main deep ice drill sites in East Antarctica and survey the present-day variability in climate-meteorological condition. Study how the signals of regional and global climate variability reach the coring sites and are locked into the ice record through the load and composition of atmospheric aerosol and gases and the processes occurring at the atmosphere/snow interface. Study the effect of the ice divide on the present climatic conditions and determine the past variations of ice divide and dome location. Obtain geophysical and glaciological surveys required to identify the location of the longest coherent climate record in Antarctic ice. Provide new information for surface mass balance and ice sheet elevation change. Survey the ice dynamics and geologic setting of important earth crustal structures of East Antarctica Precambrian craton and at subglacial lake site. Deploy permanent and/or semi-permanent instruments in inaccessible regions for exploring Planet Earth and beyond. Revisit areas and sites first explored during IGY traverses to observe possible changes. In order to achieve optimal results the scientific efforts along the individual traverse legs must be well coordinated, with a clear overall science plan and time frames for e.g. meteorological observations or upper air soundings.

Theme(s)   Major Target
The current state of the polar environment
Change in the polar regions
Polar-global linkages and teleconnections
Exploring new frontiers
The polar regions as vantage points
  Natural or social sciences research

What significant advance(s) in relation to the IPY themes and targets can be anticipated from this project?
This set of traverses, coupled with associated airborne surveys, will address themes from 1 to 4 and will provide the opportunity for themes 5. Internationally coordinated airborne and traverse vehicles are a primary tools to ensure an adequate measurement strategy for the IPY and beyond. The project provides the opportunity to explore unknown parts of our planet, to help in answering crucial questions related to sea level, climate variability, cryosphere-atmosphere interactions and earth crustal structures. It will offer the opportunity to give a very positive image of the polar scientists through an exciting scientific adventure. It will be the starting point of Antarctic observations in unexplored areas. It will leave a legacy of automated instrumentation such as seismometers and weather stations in a regionally adequate distribution

What international collaboration is involved in this project?
Only an international effort can provide the necessary logistics and scientists to study the interior of the Antarctic continent. Many nations have already collaborated in the past to exchange their technical experience, logistical means and scientific knowledge i.e. through the SCAR-IGBP ITASE program or the EPICA program with its associated traverse activities. Countries involved: Australia, Belgium, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Sweden, USA, UK,


Geographical location(s) for the proposed field activities:
Many individual traverses are already planned in East Antarctica using coastal and inland station: Australia: Wilkes Land China: Zhong Shan - Dome A France-Italy-Russia: Talos Dome - Concordia Station/Dome C - Vostok - Dome B - Dome A Germany: Kohnen Station - Dome Fuji - Dome A Netherlands: Automatic weather stations along traverses between Dome C and Kohnen station Norwegian: Troll- Plateau Station- Pole of Inaccessibility - South Pole Sweden: Kohnen Station-Dome Fuji Japan: Dome Fuji - Dome A USA: Taylor Dome - South Pole – (Dome A)

Approximate timeframe(s) for proposed field activities:
Arctic: n/a
Antarctic: 10/2006 -04/2010            

Significant facilities will be required for this project:
A number of National Antarctic Programs join in providing the logistic underpinning by dedicating existing traverse capabilities and support facilities such as fuel caches and stations. In order to allow deployment and recovery of instrumentation at least one repeat visit will be necessary using airplanes or repeat traverses. Many scientific objectives and scientific facilities established by the on ground access will be shared with other projects

Will the project leave a legacy of infrastructure?
It is planned to install Automatic Weather Stations, Radar Corner Reflectors, Snow Accumulation stakes that will be resurveyed in the following years. In addition it is planned to deploy a regionally well distributed seismological broad band network. The traverse could be the platform for the “Astronomical Site Testing at Dome A” - the worlds pre-eminent site for viewing the cosmos (see EoI AAA Expert Group - Astronomical Site Testing at Dome A)

How is it envisaged that the required logistic support will be secured?
Own national polar operator

COMNAP has already endorsed this project as well as many national operators in China, Germany (AWI), France (IPEV), Italy (ENEA), USA (US ITASE)

Has the project been "endorsed" at a national or international level?
Yes, The traverse project has been endorsed by COMNAP. It can be considered as a component of the SCAR/ITASE program. This and individual contributing EOI´s have been endorsed by the National Committees for IPY from China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan,


Is the project a short-term expansion (over the IPY 2007-2008 timeframe) of an existing plan, programme or initiative or is it a new autonomous proposal?

This project is a new project in size and international collaboration in opening new frontiers in science. At the same time it builds on and is a continuation with extended scientific objectives of the SCAR-IGBP ITASE program and will directly contribute to three of the new Scientific Research Programmes of SCAR: Antarctica and the Global Climate System (AGCS), Antarctic Climate Evolution (ACE) and Subglacial Lake Exploration (SALE).

How will the project be organised and managed?
A Scientific Committee chaired by Heinz Miller will initially meet at least twice a year. The SC will be in charge of coordinating the international effort, to insure data delivery and education outreach. Workshops at national and international conferences will be used to develop and track project plans. The SC will liaise with COMNAP and SCAR. Each traverse (national or multinational) will be autonomously organized with its own co-ordinator and traverse committee: All the coordinators (one per country) will be member of the international SC.

What are the initial plans of the project for addressing the education, outreach and communication issues outlined in the Framework document?
Stations (e.g. Concordia, Fuji, Kohnen, Vostok, South Pole, etc.) will serve as platforms for communication and education outreach: traverses will aim to establish daily contact with the outside world, inform on progress, life in the field and initial scientific results. Invited journalists or students could visit to the traverse activities for short periods thanks to aircraft operations. Web sites will be created with on line information about traverses.

What are the initial plans of the project to address data management issues (as outlined in the Framework document?
Data repositories will be maintained at European network offices, integrating all physical and chemical data collected as part of field activity, laboratory studies and modelling results. Data policies will follow SCAR guidelines and will be made available. The PANGAEA system available at AWI will be available as central data repository.

How is it proposed to fund the project?
Principal field funding would be from Antarctic National funding agencies and regional programmes (EU), and where possible will open in some cases to private sources.

Is there additional information you wish to provide?
This EoI is linked to other EoIs: International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences - IPY intensive (IPICS) Subglacial Antarctic Lake Environments- Unified Team for Exploration and Discovery – SALE-UNITED Antarctic Mass Balance in IPY Concordia Station facility for IPY An IPY effort to re-measure IGY traverse sites Astronomical Site Testing at Dome A Further EOIs will presumably be linked naturally by sharing of resources


Pro Heinz Miller

Tel: +49 471 48311210
Mobile: +49 913 6994
Fax: +49 471 48311271

Other project members and their affiliation

Name   Affiliation
Michel Fily   LGGE-Grenoble, France
Massimo Frezotti   ENEA, Italy
Paul Mayewski   CCI, Univ. maine
Qin Dahe   CMA, China
P. Holmlund and J.-G. Winther   Univ. Stockholm and Norsk Polar Institute, Tromsö
V. Lipenkov   AARI, St. Ptersburg