Expressions of Intent for International Polar Year 2007-2008 Activities

Expression of Interest Details


(ID No: 303)

IPY book series on environmental research  (From Pole to Pole)

A book series focused on the scientific findings of IPY 2007/08 is proposed as central IPY publication tool. The book series is planned to summarise the “state-of-the-science” in the respective environmental research fields and will be edited by internationally renowned scientific experts who will gather highly competent contributing authors for their respective volumes. Each volume will contain 10-12 chapters of 15-20 page-length, a preface from the editorial board and a foreword by the volume editor (Incl. index and table of context): The sizes of the volumes are estimated in the range of 250-300 pages. The format of the book series will be discussed in detail with Springer Publishers. For the book series, around 10-12 volumes with relevant topics for “polar environmental research” with focus on combined Arctic-Antarctic research are planned for publication over a five - six year period (2007 – 2012). For the general editorial board, ca. 5-6 internationally renowned and enthusiastic environmental scientists focussing on the below given topics or related issues, should be appointed after announcing the project.In keeping with the thematic goals of IPY the following themes outline the scientific framework of the book series. The book project aims at covering all scientific aspects of environmental research within IPY 2007/08 in a multidisciplinary way spanning from geophysical research to field biology and social sciences. To initiate the series in IPY 2007/08, we will start with an historical overview of the development of polar Environmental Research, which would be published by 2007 as the first volume of the “From Pole to Pole” series.The book series is planned as a publication forum for all environmental projects performed under the IPY 2007/08 umbrella. All research projects will be informed about the book initiative and encouraged to publish a project summary in the book series.

Theme(s)   Major Target
The current state of the polar environment
Change in the polar regions
Polar-global linkages and teleconnections
Exploring new frontiers
The polar regions as vantage points
The human dimension in polar regions
  Natural or social sciences research
Education/Outreach and Communication
Data Management
Other Targets

What significant advance(s) in relation to the IPY themes and targets can be anticipated from this project?
The book series “From Pole to Pole” is meant to provide a central tool for IPY 2007/08 to focus the publication of scientific results obtained during IPY 2007/08 within environmental research related topics. Thus, the book project will offer the scientists involved in IPY 2007/08 environmental research a place to publish their results within in a broad international IPY context and allow, thus, the interpretation and crosslinking of these scientific findings comprehensively. In addition, the book series will allow experts in the field to collect essential information about the new findings within IPY 2007/08 environmental research in just one scientific reference instead of searching for information from a wide variety of disparte publication sources. The planned book series will also serve as documented heritage/ legacy meant for future scientists as an “encyclopedia” of the IPY 2007/08 environmental research outcomes.

What international collaboration is involved in this project?
The members of the editorial board as well as the volume editors and authors will reflect the strong international character of polar environmental research. Thus, international collaboration is essential in order to develop the book project into an IPY publication tool. The editorial board will be selected based on scientific expertise solely in co-operation with Springer Publishers. The Editorial board in turn will select the volume topics and approach potential volume editors. The topics will eventually be selected based upon the approved EOIs for IPY 2007/08. All administrative structures and priority topics will be harmonised and discussed with the IPY secretariat and the responsible committees within IPY 2007/08.


Geographical location(s) for the proposed field activities:
No direct field activities will be performed during the “From Pole To Pole” book initiative. However, the book project will be based upon field work performed under IPY 2007/08 environmental research. The work will be co-ordinated with the IPY 2007/08 secretariat. All responsible project managers working under IPY 2007/08 in projects related to environmental research will be informed and encouraged to publish their results in the “From Pole To Pole” book series.

Approximate timeframe(s) for proposed field activities:
Arctic: n/a
Antarctic: n/a

Significant facilities will be required for this project:
Except for travel support, no logistic support or access to research facilities are required. However, continuous communication between Publishers, Editors, editorial board, and IPY 2007/08 secretariat is essential for the success of the book project. The progress of the editorial work must be continuously monitored by the volume editors and reported to Springer editors and the editorial board. One to two annual meetings of the editorial board will be needed. In addition, the “Editor-in-chief” will need secretarial support and will frequently meet the responsible editorial officers at Springer Publishers in order to streamline the progress of the book project.

Will the project leave a legacy of infrastructure?
As already outlined, one of the major goals of the book project is to focus all scientific results into a major reference source and, thus, serve as a legacy and “future encyclopedia” for the outcomes of the IPY 2007/08 with special emphasis on environmental research.

How is it envisaged that the required logistic support will be secured?
National agency
Own support
Other sources of support

The editorial board will seek financial support for the book project from international and national funding sources. Mainly travel and meeting costs must be covered. In addition, a secretariat for the “From Pole to Pole” initiative will ensure the continuous flow of information and communication between all relevant participants within the project.

Has the project been "endorsed" at a national or international level?
Since the Project is planned to embrace all aspects of environmental research within the IPY 2007/08 initiative, the project will organise at an international level. Thus, the IPY secretariat as well as all national IPY 2007/08 committees will be informed and up-dated upon the structure, priority and progress of the project on a regular basis.


Is the project a short-term expansion (over the IPY 2007-2008 timeframe) of an existing plan, programme or initiative or is it a new autonomous proposal?

The book series will be established as a publication vehicle for IPY 2007/08 results. However, most of the scientific information obtained during IPY 2007/08 will emerge during the years after 2008 when the field campaigns of IPY 2007/08 have been completed. Thus, the book project will organised primarily as an open project without deadline, but with milestones.

How will the project be organised and managed?
The editorial board will be responsible for all major decisions regarding the book initiative. The editorial board will consist of renowned environmental scientists with scientific profiles relevant for the book initiative. Suggestions for members will be discussed between the project initiators together with Springer Publishers. During the initial meeting, the editorial board will elect an “Editor-in-Chief” and discuss 10-12 priority topics for the book series including potential volume editors. The editorial board and the Editor-in-Chief will be supported by a secretariat ensuring communication and information of all partners involved. The editorial board will meet 2 times a year for progress reports and discussion of the project. The editor in chief will have regularly meetings with the responsible officers at Springer Publishers.

What are the initial plans of the project for addressing the education, outreach and communication issues outlined in the Framework document?
The book project will be designed to provide hands-on and up-dated information on new achievements and results to be used for planning of related research activity, communicate with colleagues and high education of environmental scientists for Polar Research. In addition, as a part of the project in a later stage “highlights” of the scientific findings may be extracted and prepared in a more “popular scientific presentation” suitable for teachers (on a high school level) or the public, thus providing a valuable and authoritative resource for education and teaching.In co-operation with Springer Publishers, a web-page will be installed providing summary information about projects published, book volumes under preparation, and important addresses/web links to “From Pole to Pole” book initiatives.

What are the initial plans of the project to address data management issues (as outlined in the Framework document?
The publication of scientific results in the book series and the related data management issues will be organised based upon the standard agreements developed and practised by Springer Publishers and negotiated in detail with the editorial board for the “From Pole to Pole” initiative. The printed manuscripts will be property of Springer Editors. All data will remain the property of the respective scientists.

How is it proposed to fund the project?
Financial support for the editorial work will be sought through national and international funding agencies. The editorial board will be responsible for identifying sources of funding and applying for financial support covering costs for information transfer, secretariat, communication and travelling.

Is there additional information you wish to provide?
This book series planned with Springer Publishers should be considered as a crucial component of publication and communication within polar environmental research and as direct outcome of the scientific activities of IPY2007/08. Therefore, already in this early stage, contact with relevant committees and experts is important to ensure sufficient harmonisation and co-ordination with the overall goals of IPY 2007/08.


Dr Roland Kallenborn
P.O. Box 100
Instituttveien 18

Tel: +4763898237
Mobile: +479087998
Fax: +4763898050

Other project members and their affiliation

Name   Affiliation
Dr. Jon Børre Ørbæk   Norwegian Polar Institute
Dr. Christian Witschel   Springer Publishers
Dr. Øystein Hov   Norwegian Meteorological Institute
Dr. Robie Macdonald   Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Dr. Guido di Prisco   Institute of Protein Biochemistry, CNR, Naples, Italy
Dr. David Walton   British Antarctic Survey