Expressions of Intent for International Polar Year 2007-2008 Activities

Expression of Interest Details


(ID No: 371)

Study of structure and mechanisms of changeability for atmospheric parameters, circulation and ozone content in the southern polar region with allowance for factors of solar activity.  (Atmosphere of Antarctica)

In our project we shall examine atmospheric effects of such manifestations of solar activity as the short-term changes of the cosmic ray intensity, variations of the interplanetary electric field and variations of the solar UV irradiation. The detail analysis of the daily aerological data from Vostok station (Antarctica) for 1978-1992 made it possible to find the dramatic changes in the troposphere temperature influenced by strong fluctuations of the interplanetary electric field ESW. The warming is observed at ground level and cooling at h >10 km if the electric field of dawn-dusk direction is enhanced (when IMF DBZ <0). The results have been confirmed in analyzing of the hourly temperature observations made by the automatic weather stations (AWS) at Dome C II and South Pole and by automatic meteorological station MILOS at Vostok for winter season (May-September) of 2000-2001. It has been suggested that the interplanetary electric field can influence the system of atmospheric circulation while changing the properties of the cloud layer and this influence is related to the global electric circuit. Indeed, the atmospheric electric field at Vostok station is obviously responses to variations of the interplanetary magnetic field. The circumpolar vortex surrounding Antarctica is typical of the southern polar region under the winter conditions. Availability of the powerful circumpolar vortex, containing the high pressure zone, blocks the air saturated by ozone going in the central Antarctica from the middle latitudes. In combination with the solar insolation disappearance during the winter season, the total ozone content above the southern polar region decreases dramatically and the ozone hole is formatted. The «depth» of ozone hole and rate of it’s filling in spring depends on previous state of the atmosphere (particularly, on atmospheric pressure in the near-pole region) and is affected by the external influences related to the solar activity. The project will be concentrated on the following questions: relative effects of the short-term changes of the cosmic ray intensity, and variations of the interplanetary electric field on atmospheric parameters (temperature and pressure) in southern winter polar region; dynamics of ozone holes and effects of the solar UV irradiation; the role of the global electric circuit.

Theme(s)   Major Target

What significant advance(s) in relation to the IPY themes and targets can be anticipated from this project?
Development of the thorough knowledge on mechanisms of influence of the solar activity on atmospheric processes in the Earth’s polar regions, determination of the polar region effects in changeability of the global climatic system, estimation of limits of the natural changeability for the Earth’s climatic system.

What international collaboration is involved in this project?
International collaboration in framework of Program «Sinchronous measurements of the atmospheric electric fields and currents at the antarctic stations Vostok, Dome C and South Pole » (Russia, Australia, USA, France/Italia).


Geographical location(s) for the proposed field activities:
Antarctic stations Vostok, Dome C, South Pole.

Approximate timeframe(s) for proposed field activities:
Arctic: n/a
Antarctic: 2006 – 2008            

Significant facilities will be required for this project:
The existing polar stations

Will the project leave a legacy of infrastructure?
The existing infrastructura will be used.

How is it envisaged that the required logistic support will be secured?

Has the project been "endorsed" at a national or international level?
At the international level


Is the project a short-term expansion (over the IPY 2007-2008 timeframe) of an existing plan, programme or initiative or is it a new autonomous proposal?

It is a new autonomous proposal.

How will the project be organised and managed?
. Issues of scientific researches at the Antarctic stations will be managed and coordinated through national Antarctic Agencies.

What are the initial plans of the project for addressing the education, outreach and communication issues outlined in the Framework document?
The results of the Project will be presented in open reports and publications and can be used for addressing the education, outreach and communication issues.

What are the initial plans of the project to address data management issues (as outlined in the Framework document?
The results of the project will be presented, after processings, to the users community through web technology.

How is it proposed to fund the project?
Through national Antarctic Expeditions

Is there additional information you wish to provide?


Director  Ivan Frolov
Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute
38 Bering Str.

Tel: 7-812-352-1520
Mobile: no
Fax: 7-812-352-2791

Other project members and their affiliation

Name   Affiliation
Dr Oleg Troshichev   Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St.Petersburg
Dr Gary Burns   Australian Antarctic Division, Hobart, Australia
Dr Edgar A. Bering III   University of Houston, USA
Prof Brian Tinsley   University of Texas at Dallas, USA