Expressions of Intent for International Polar Year 2007-2008 Activities

Expression of Interest Details


(ID No: 44)

Polar Presentation & Education Toolkit  (PET)

Introduction Both the Arctic and Antarctic are in many people’s eyes just regions of ice and snow, just far away. Yet there is a striking difference: the Arctic is an ocean surrounded by land, the Antarctic is an ice covered continent surrounded by the ocean. Actually ocean space and the atmosphere link these extreme environments on a global scale.Early explorers as Roald Amundsen describe the unknown harsh Antarctic environment in words like ‘fairytale’ giving expression to the majesty and peacefulness of the continent that outweighed its sever hostility. However, both the Arctic and Antarctic are for most of us places of extremes. Yet in the Arctic Inuits for instance have been facing this environment successfully during millennia. Since the last IPY, almost fifty years ago, new technology and staggering scientific insights made it clear that the Poles are crucial elements of the Earth System. The November 2004 published Arctic Climate Impact Assessment demonstrates and, like many other scientific and official reports by for instance the IPCC, stress the role of the polar areas in almost everybody’s daily life. Therefore education and outreach is, as recognized by the ICSU, a crucial element of the upcoming IPY. How can one react when one is m not aware of the possible threads and problems? Within the ICSU a draft education and outreach position paper is published and an Education, Outreach and Communication Sub-Committee (EOC) is established. Why; the Dutch initiative?During the last five year numerous organisations involved in the field of science communications in the Netherlands experienced the advantage of a joint database for educational and outreach purposes ( Based on using each others content, they have build a knowledgebase with text, illustrations, photographs, digital video, educational formats and examples of Public Understanding of Science. The National Museum for Natural History (Naturalis) has been the leading partner in this development, working in close collaboration with 17 other institutes and governmental organizations Goal of PETThe challenge for the PET project is to use the Dutch layout of information sharing on an international level, adding different languages and cultural approaches in the specific field of the Polar activities during IPY. The project is not about new computer technology or database management. All the necessary basics and techniques are available. The project is about organizing content on Polar knowledge and -research challenging the international polar communities, from researchers to operators to management organisations to join all relevant, interesting, enjoyable stories, illustrations, pictures and communication formats.Internationalization of PETThe PET project could, however, also be the starting point of a wider discussion through COMNAP’s INFONET, which is chaired by Prof. Stel. The proposal gives some ideas about the development of an internationally used ‘ toolbox’ for a series of EOC activities, ICSU should, however, take into account that the present proposal is, at an above the national level, just an idea how to assist at a national, regional and global level ICSU in its Education and Outreach activities. The leading notion is: one concept, one approach, one ‘voice’, but ‘translated’ to regional and national needs, challenges and opportunities and fine-tuned at the IPY target audiences.A toolbox for EOCImagine scientists, newspapers, television stations, air lines and teachers all over the world would use the same appealing graphics, photographs and video clips to illustrate their stories and information about Polar research and the results. Just go to the PET database on the Web and you would find all sorts of graphical files, presentation formats and ‘best practices’ of educational programmes. Fit for international use and made according to high standards in visual communication. Producers, publishers, designers, photographers, museums; they all join their materials on the Polar theme. The upcoming IPY is the right moment to combine efforts, strengths and communication knowledge on an international level. All the products would hold the IPY logo alongside the logos of the relevant contributing organisatiionsd. Starting in 2005 to build the database out of existing graphical products. Developing it in close cooperation with all contributing partners. Resulting in a complete set of visual communication tools, facilitating the IPY community in 2007-2008. PET, as a project up to 2010 will also accommodate some of the most visible results and legacy of the IPY initiative.UsersThere are two types of users: 1. Research organisations which develop information for general public and education. They can use the content of the database for their target groups, just adding new facts and figures from own field of expertise. The approach is media independent; the content gives you the basics to use in education or science communication: from a brochure to a website, from a scenario of a film to an interactive in an exhibition.2. Those who produce to educational products or campaigns in the field of science information for the general public, e.g. editors, journalists, copywriters, designers, communication managers and science teachers. They all use the knowledgebase as a reference to information about science that is already formatted in terms of educational use and outreach purposes. EvaluationThe PET project will be closely monitored by communication professionals in an academic setting. Papers on the project should be presented in order to keep track of the statistics and the effects of the international collaboration. During the last year of the project a conclusive report should state the process, products and the outcomes.

Theme(s)   Major Target
The current state of the polar environment
Change in the polar regions
Polar-global linkages and teleconnections
Exploring new frontiers
The polar regions as vantage points
The human dimension in polar regions
  Education/Outreach and Communication

What significant advance(s) in relation to the IPY themes and targets can be anticipated from this project?
A general toolbox for Education, Outreach and Communication to be used by the relevant organisations participating in IPY (e.g. COMNAP, FARO, EPB, MNAPs, media, and scientists) for their educational, outreach and communication activities at a local, national and regional scale. To enhance and facilitate scientific presentations, to contribute to the international house style or ‘voice’ of the IPY and to present IPY to the media in a structured way.As such the PET proposal is an instrument to facilitate the EOC activities towards the IPY target audiences as defined in chapter 3.3 of the pre-publication copy of A framework for the International Polar Year 2007-20008 (October 2004)and also fits very well in the activities described in chapter 3.4 (especially activity 2,3,4,6 and 8) of this report

What international collaboration is involved in this project?
Information officers of National Polar Programs, graphical departments of National History Museums, broadcasting companies and publishers will join their efforts in the visual communication productions of the science programmes of IPY. Internationally the main instrument will be COMNAP’s INFONET. By this, as most national programmes are bipolar in nature the activities will both involve the Antarctic and Arctic. q2_1_Location : Not relevant as the toolbox will address all IPY activities and mostly builds on existing material.


Geographical location(s) for the proposed field activities:
Not relevant as the toolbox will address all IPY activities and mostly builds on existing material.

Approximate timeframe(s) for proposed field activities:
Arctic: 09/2005 – 09/2010            
Antarctic: 09/2005 – 09/2010            

Significant facilities will be required for this project:
Not relevant. See also .2.

Will the project leave a legacy of infrastructure?
Copyrights of the products have to be formalized for 2005-2010. Contracts with contributing partners will deal with the copyrights and ownership of their material in the database after the year 2010. The science community involved in the IPY projects can use the products as long as they want; the website will be online for the project only. The PET project could be a model to adapt to other international science initiatives.

How is it envisaged that the required logistic support will be secured?
Own national polar operator
Another national polar operator
National agency
Military support
Commercial operator
Own support
Other sources of support

Because of the nature of the toolbox as an EOC instrument at various levels, it is expected that all categories summarised above might be involved in some way or another. Mostly the involvement will focus on existing material. This is also a consequence of the way in which national polar programmes are organised.

Has the project been "endorsed" at a national or international level?
Dutch national IPY Committee, COMNAP (INFONET)** The idea is launched into the INFONET network of COMNAP and most likely will be developed further before formal COMNAP endorsement is given. Prof. Stel (NWO/ICIS) is chair of COMNAP’s INFONET.


Is the project a short-term expansion (over the IPY 2007-2008 timeframe) of an existing plan, programme or initiative or is it a new autonomous proposal?

A new project to facilitate existing and planned EOC activities for IPY 2007-2008.

How will the project be organised and managed?
NWO (ICIS)COMNAP/INFONETEOC Sub-Committee The content is maintained by each partner individually; a virtual interface always uses the most recent information and presents it to the users in an easy accessible way. In the heart of the system reference lists with keywords can be used to search the joint databases. All information is available in digital format, from text fragments to video scenes.

What are the initial plans of the project for addressing the education, outreach and communication issues outlined in the Framework document?
The proposal should be part of a general IPY EOC plan.

What are the initial plans of the project to address data management issues (as outlined in the Framework document?
Special attention will be giving to interfacing graphical templates with accumulated research data from various IPY projects. Aim is to facilitate the presentation of on-going research in a way the communication specialists (from newspapers to documentaries) can easily access new knowledge to illustrate the dynamics of the international Polar research initiative.

How is it proposed to fund the project?
The implementation of the website, database, webmaster (the PET facility 2005-2010) could be part of the National IPY initiative of the Netherlands. The estimated funding requirement is € 250.000/400.000 depending on the scale of the activities Therefore, the activities have to be discussed in a broader multilateral or COMNAP/FARO wide context. Based on the result of such a discussion the place of the database should be tendered or discussed as well. Contributions to the database are part of the various research and education/outreach projects.

Is there additional information you wish to provide?
The proposal fits very well in the general outline of the Draft education & outreach position paper (8 September 2004) and chapter3 of the pre-publication copy of A framework for the International Polar Year 2007-20008 (October 2004). As the proposed toolbox can be used for EOC activities at different levels and scales, there is a need to widen the discussion about this initial idea (see Note 7). The discussion has been started in COMNAP, but should also be discussed together with other EOC ideas at the WSSD in China. As a consequence, if the idea is appealing and approved, a discussion with the EOC Sub-Committee is needed too.


Pro Jan H. Stel
NWO Laan van Nieuw Oost Indiër 300
ICIS Kapoenstraat 23 Maastricht,
Postbus 616, 6200 MD Maastricht
25 09 AM Den Haag

Tel: +31 703440508
Mobile: no
Fax: +31 703819033

Other project members and their affiliation

Name   Affiliation
    * This can only been done after consultation with COMNAP and other Arctic organisations such as FARO.