Expressions of Intent for International Polar Year 2007-2008 Activities

Expression of Interest Details


(ID No: 499)

Circum Antarctic Zircon Census  (CAZIC)

The proposed project is addressed to solve fundamental scientific issues of geological structure, metallogenic characteristics and history of crust evolution for Antarctica continent. Taking into account that standard procedures for regional investigation are inapplicable within subglacial region, comparable results may be derived from single-grain trace element geochemistry of zircon (monazite, apatite etc.) large detrital populations from marine glacial sediments of Antarctic continental shelf that reflect provenance (age and composition of rock types widely distributed within the drained subglacial area). The idea of the project is based on region-scale geological investigation of the subglacial terrains of Antarctica: main rock types identification and terrain-scale geological/metallogenic events determination on a basis of single-grain trace element geochemistry of wide-spread accessory minerals from marine glacial deposits. To achieve the project objectives CAZIC involves: 1) circum Antarctic survey to take at least 40 - 60 samples of sea bottom and terrain glacial sediments representing the main drift areas around Antarctica; 2) geologic expedition on selected sites of Antarctic Peninsula and outlet glacier regions and neighboring islands for geological survey of magmatic complexes and representing sampling of typical rocks; 3) samples processing and analytical study (description and geochemical analysis of glacial samples and detrital zircon (monazite, apatite) extraction, milliprobe X ray fluorescence single-grain analysis (XRF MP/SG) of zircon (monazite, apatite) for Hf, Y, Th, U, Pb, Sr trace elements, geochemical analysis of rock samples). The data will be assembled into database and represented on SCAR’s Antarctic Spatial Data Infrastructure. On the final step of the project will be provided: a) single grains approximate age dating by “total lead” method for zircon and monazite, b) parent rocks identification based on detrital zircon (monazite, apatite etc.) trace element discriminant diagrams; c) the pilot geochemical model development for magmatic complexes of Antarctic Peninsula and neighboring islands and other sampling outlet glacier regions. We propose CAZIC survey program of land based and onboard research opened to involve other countries contribution within the framework of the IPY. The already existed geological sample archives of other national bodies appropriate for analysis will be welcomed.

Theme(s)   Major Target
The current state of the polar environment
Change in the polar regions
Exploring new frontiers
  Natural or social sciences research

What significant advance(s) in relation to the IPY themes and targets can be anticipated from this project?
CAZIC directed to IPY themes 1, 2, 5 by: 1) quantifying the current state of subglacial geological environment on the base the systematic study of submarine glacial sediments as specific investigating frontier of Antarctica; 2) characterizing the current geology state of the glacial drift areas and offshore deposit as the part of polar environment; 3) results of age dating, parent rocks identification and modeling of evolution of magmatic complexes for Antarctica subglacial terrains will contribute to achieve a new understanding level of changes in the polar regions during a geologic time.

What international collaboration is involved in this project?
The project needs to be supported by participation in one or several of the IPY circum Antarctic survey via shipping trip to take samples of sea bottom and terrain glacial sediments around Antarctica. The samples can be collected in surroundings of near-shore bases using small boats (zodiak). Further international collaboration would be established for independent and comprehensive analytical study of the taken samples as well for extension of database and joint development of geochemical models of Antarctica magmatic complex.


Geographical location(s) for the proposed field activities:
Geographically, the CAZIC is focused on offshore regions (close to existing base) and the adjacent islands around Antarctica and on the Antarctic Peninsula region. The national geology expedition on selected sites of Antarctic Peninsula and neighboring islands for geological survey of magmatic complexes and representing sampling of typical rocks will be organized.

Approximate timeframe(s) for proposed field activities:
Arctic: n/a
Antarctic: Field work: 01/07 – 12/08      Samples analysis: 01/08 – 02/09      Modelling: 03/08 – 03/09

Significant facilities will be required for this project:
Fieldwork will be based on near-shore of existing year-round bases and field stations. Specific logistical requirements have to be met for this project. Stations and ships should be equipped by dredger and will be shared with other projects during the IPY.

Will the project leave a legacy of infrastructure?
The database of survey will be created for the region of Antarctic Peninsula and offshore outlet Antarctic glaciers that will be available for data management after the IPY.

How is it envisaged that the required logistic support will be secured?
Own national polar operator
Another national polar operator
National agency
Own support

Own national polar operator - Ukrainian Antarctic Center that operated year-round base Vernadsky (former British base Faraday) that will serve as base for fieldwork in the region. Ukrainian side has the sampling equipment and developed analytical base for milliprobe X ray fluorescence single-grain analysis (XRF MP/SG).

Has the project been "endorsed" at a national or international level?
The project has been endorsed at Ukraine by IPY Initiative Group and included as part of National Research Program for 2005-2007.


Is the project a short-term expansion (over the IPY 2007-2008 timeframe) of an existing plan, programme or initiative or is it a new autonomous proposal?

The project is based on the pre-project test research provided in vicinity of Vernadsky base at the Antarctic Peninsula during 2003/4. For IPY phase the project can be developed as multinational, integrative research and is a new project. The project could be the first approach for study some subglacial Antarctic geology features didn’t achieved in previous research yet.

How will the project be organised and managed?
It is suggested the creation the international management team of PIs that will coordinate development and realization of the project plan. In order to maximize the survey region joint activities will be proposed. Field activities and logistics operations will be coordinated between participating scientists and national logistic departments. The main logistic support expected from Ukraine National Antarctic operator. Taking into account the distance between sampling points will be rationale to share the logistic support of other IPY projects. Then field activities and logistics will be coordinated between participating national logistic departments and scientists.

What are the initial plans of the project for addressing the education, outreach and communication issues outlined in the Framework document?
The CAZIC project will involve graduate and post-graduate students of Kyiv National university and connected other national universities. The results, reports can be distributed to universities, schools, and websites. The research results including database will be included into student training program on “geology”, “geochemistry”, and “hydrogeology” courses. The training video film and presentations, educational samples collection and museum geological collections will be created.

What are the initial plans of the project to address data management issues (as outlined in the Framework document?
The all project data and results will be sent to National Agency for spreading within International Information Organizations (ICSU World Data Centers, Joint Committee for Antarctic Data Management, WCRP) as well for data exchanging with National Geological Surveys and Antarctica Agencies of Argentina, Australia, UK, USA, Chili, South Africa, New Zeeland and other countries, and will be implemented on SCAR’s Antarctic Spatial Data Infrastructure. Metadata from research activities will be available in all contributing countries.

How is it proposed to fund the project?
The analytical, instrumental and interpretation work will be funded from existing national resources of the Ukraine and of the possible collaboration organizations other countries. Funding for field activities and some logistic support will be asked for at different national and international funding institutions in the framework other IPY projects.

Is there additional information you wish to provide?
Authors proposed a fast and inexpensive method based on regional-scale heavy mineral sampling. During project will be used the method requires a great number of single-grain trace element analysis. The analytical method is the XRF-MP/SG technique that permits to do fast and cheap analysis in comparison to other analytical techniques. To obtain more accurate and complete age determinations (including U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopic systems) XRF-MP/SG should be combined with LAM-ICPMS or (and) SHRIMP on the final research stages. The proposed method was applied to crust history reconstruction within the Ukrainian Shield and other regions confirms its effectiveness Single-grain geochemical study of representative zircon populations from glacial sediments of Antarctic Peninsula is realized now during the in test national project. Method of the project includes following new tools: (1) milliprobe X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF-MP/SG) for trace element (Hf, Y, Th, U, Pb,! Sr etc.) single-grain determination; (2) modified version of “total lead” method for zircon (and monazite) single grains approximate age dating; (3) discriminant diagrams for parent rocks identification based on zircon and apatite trace element composition.


Dr Sergey Shnyukov
64, Vladimirskaya, 01033, Kyiv
16, Tarasa Shevchenka blvd, 01601, Kyiv


Tel: +38 044 266 93 48
Mobile: no
Fax: +38 044 246 3880

Other project members and their affiliation

Name   Affiliation
Gennadi Milinevsky   Ukrainian Antarctic Center,
Rasik Ravindra   Geological Survey of India, Ministry of Mines, Govt. of India, Antarctica Division, N.H. 5-p, N.I.T., Feridabad,
Schluchter Christian, (possible indication of interest)   Geologiches Institut der Universitat Bern,
M.S.A. Horstwood, (possible indication of interest)   M.S.A. Horstwood, (possible indication of interest)
W.L. Griffin, (possible indication of interest)   GEMOC ARC National Centre, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Macquarie University, NSW 2109 Sydney, Australia
M.J. Flowerdew, (possible indication of interest)   British Antarctic Survey, High Cross, Madingley Rd, Cambridge CB3 0ET, U.K.