Expressions of Intent for International Polar Year 2007-2008 Activities
Expression of Interest Details
Geodetic Observatories In Antarctica (GOIA)
Since several years geodetic observatories have been performed in Antartica through continuous or periodical data acquisition. As geodetic observatories we are considering VLBI, GPS, Doris, absolute gravimetry, tide gauge stations. They were installed principally on rock surfaces but somewhere on ice. Unfortunately the observatories are sparse and their distribution is inhomogeneous for logistic and environmental reasons, overall it was difficult to install remote stations. An effort was produced within GIANT ( Geodetic Infrastructure of Antarctica) group of SCAR in order to coordinate the international activity. See on web site for more details on actual geodetic observatories situation. The intent for IPY 07-08 is to improve international efforts in a coordinated activity that allows to increase the number and the distribution of remote GPS stations, coupled with meteorological stations, tide gauge and absolute gravimeter installations. Moreover the intent is to create the network of permanent observatories together with periodical observatories that will acquire data contemporary during IPY event. The opportunity to collocate GPS receiver with meteorological stations and , possibly, radio soundings is very important considering the application of GPS data processing for atmospheric parameters study and weather broadcasting. The aim of the activity should be pursued involving more countries than possible and, in the case that will be difficult or impossible for some nation to install own receiver, the instrumentation should be furnished by other nations for periodical measurement during IPY 07-08. Focusing to a particular period, IPY 07-08, should be possible to facilitate the common international efforts to install new permanent observatories and in the same time could guarantee the advantage of having periodical observatories at least performing all together contemporary. The contemporary performance of a network of geodetic observatories will be a great advantage in terms of scientific results and demonstration of a success in international cooperation and coordination in applied research on Antarctica. A creation of geodetic observatories database with real time data acquired is an ulterior advantage of the proposed activity. SCAR GSSG web page could host a Geodetic Observatories GIS containing data archiving and location detailed map.
Theme(s) |
Major Target |
The current state of the polar environment
Change in the polar regions
Polar-global linkages and teleconnections
Exploring new frontiers
Natural or social sciences research
Data Management
What significant advance(s) in relation to the IPY themes and targets can be anticipated from this project?
The proposed activity could give significant advances in relation to the determination of present environmental status of antarctica by quantifying the spatial and temporal variability of geodetical parameters, integrating the informations at continental scale. The observatories will develop and enhance the study of the Earth's surface variation, sea level change and the Earth's density with the goal of earth shape better definition and surface variation and /or deformations determination. The network of geodetic observatories is connected to global network to advance our understanding of Antarctica - global interactions by studying data tele-connections on all scales. New frontiers of earth science in antarctica are based even on surface variation that reflect interior mass changement and surface kinematic effects. The polar regions study, in terms of arctic-antarctic interection, should be performed through GPS network data utilitation for meteorologica! l study and prediction at global scale.
What international collaboration is involved in this project?
Activities actually is made within SCAR GSSG GIANT expert Group. SCAR GPS Epoch campaign. TIGA project for sea level variation measurements. International network of tide gauges. International GPS network for geodynamics studies ( IGS network). Italy- USA- New Zealand GPS networks for Victoria Land crustal deformation control.
Geographical location(s) for the proposed field activities:
The geodetic observatories should be located on rock surface on whole Antarctica continent; it is easier to find location along the coast but even in the interior on mountains and willows. In the interior the stations on rock should be integrated with geodetic observatories on ice, precisely connected in a network frame. See Geodetic Control Database on for controlling the actual geodetic observatories distribution.
Approximate timeframe(s) for proposed field activities:
Arctic: n/a
Antarctic: 10/2006- 03/2009
Significant facilities will be required for this project:
Multi instrumented platforms Helicopters Existing field stations New field stations Remote camp Observatories Fuel depots Twin otters
Will the project leave a legacy of infrastructure?
A network of permanent geodetic observatories linked to international network. Moreover a series of stations location where it should be possible to replace instruments in the future. Web-GIS of geodetic observatories in terms of data management.
How is it envisaged that the required logistic support will be secured?
Own national polar operator
Another national polar operator
National agency
Military support
Commercial operator
Has the project been "endorsed" at a national or international level?
Expression of interest is in the process of being considered by the Italian National Committee for IPY. Geodetic Permanent observatories and G.I.S. of geodetic control database endorsed at international level by SCAR within Geosciences Standing Scientific Group.
Is the project a short-term expansion (over the IPY 2007-2008 timeframe) of an existing plan, programme or initiative or is it a new autonomous proposal?
It is an extension of an existing activity and partially new in terms of well defined integration of observations in a network performing in a specified period. The creation of geodetic observatories GIS located close to SCAR is a new product that should finalize a long historical research activity and to enhance a new geodetic infrastructure.
How will the project be organised and managed?
Coordinating different nations able to install new geodetic observatories to make acquisition during the same time. Furnishing instruments to nations that have not observatories and instructing personnel to perform instruments. Giving help and coordinating remote stations installation. Organizing data transmission to control centre even in a real time downloading. Common centre of Data processing. Analysis of data processing GIS implementation of Geodetic Observatories detailed map location, historical information’s data archiving and processing results. GIS implementation on SCAR GSSG web page
What are the initial plans of the project for addressing the education, outreach and communication issues outlined in the Framework document?
Outreach and communication on international cooperation to realize an Antarctic infrastructure network results Contribute to science interconnecting continental observations to global data set. WEB-GIS system implementation managed from SCAR
What are the initial plans of the project to address data management issues (as outlined in the Framework document?
Collecting data and information from different geodetic national project in Antarctica. SCAR GSSG SCAR JCADM
How is it proposed to fund the project?
Funds should be received from different National agencies involved. SCAR GSSG for Geodetic Observatories GIS. SCAR JCADM for metadata definition and data archiving.
Is there additional information you wish to provide?
It is planned to collaborate with, at least, other two EoI for IPY 0708, called “Polenet” (Lead contact: Terry Wilson - USA) and TANGO (Lead contact: A.Morelli – Italy).
Prof Alessandro Capra
Viale del Turismo n.8 - Taranto
Tel: +39-099-4733215
Mobile: 338-6893276
Fax: +39-099-4733230
Other project members and their affiliation
Name |
Affiliation |
John Manning |
Geosciences Australia |
Reinhard Dietrich |
Dresden University- Germany |
Terry Wilson |
Polar Bird Research- Ohio State University -USA |
Larry Hothem |
Kazuo Shibuya |
National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR)-Japan |
Tony Bevin |
Land Information-New Zealand |