Expressions of Intent for International Polar Year 2007-2008 Activities

Expression of Interest Details


(ID No: 739)

Crustal structure of bathymetric highs in the Amerasian abyssal basin (Arctic Ocean) and zones of their transition to the shelf  (Crustal structure of bathymetric highs in the Amerasian abyssal basin (Arctic Ocean) and zones of their transition to the shelf)

While Cenozoic spreading processes in the abyssal Eurasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean are sufficiently well confirmed by available data, the evidence on tectonic nature of the Amerasian Basin is far less conclusive, and all existing datasets (seismic, gravity, magnetic, geological) are subject to controversial interpretations that lead to wide range of paleodynamic reconstructions varying from purely oceanic to epi-continental models. Evidently, there is a pressing need for acquisition of additional data from key structural areas, such as the Central Arctic bathymetric highs – the features that appear most enigmatic and informative at the same time. The project proposes expedition activities over Lomonosov Ridge, Alpha Ridge and Mendeleev Rise and in the zones of their junctions with Canadian-Greenland and Siberian shelves. The methods to apply are deep seismic soundings accompanied by marine and over-ice reflection and multichannel lines; high resolution seismic survey; bottom sampling; airborne gravity and magnetic measurements in 100-km wide “corridors” along crust-deep seismic profiles; geomorphologic, geothermal and hydrographic observations. Subsequent processing of newly collected data and their interpretation in the context of existing controversies and unsolved problems should address the following principal tasks: (1) improved understanding of the tectonic nature of the Central Arctic bathyal highs and the character of their conjugation with adjoining shallow water parts of the Circum-Arctic continental margin; (2) developing 3D geologic-geophysical models to help unravel the fundamental features of formation of the Arctic Ocean and its impact on global climate change; (3) selection of most advantageous sites for future IODP drilling.

Theme(s)   Major Target

What significant advance(s) in relation to the IPY themes and targets can be anticipated from this project?
(1) Improved understanding of fundamental regularities in geodynamic evolution of the Arctic segment of the Earth, with special emphasis on relative role of Alpine vertical and lateral tectonic movements in configuring the Arctic basin and controlling the processes of oceanic circulation and climate change; (2) Obtaining new evidence on the tectonic nature of the Central Arctic bathymetric highs and their transition to the circum-Arctic continental shelf that may appear crucial for achieving a consensus on controversial scientific issues and promoting further geopolitical communication among the Nordic countries and with the UN bodies (delimitation of the juridical continental shelf in the Arctic Ocean).

What international collaboration is involved in this project?
Coordination of scientific and logistic plans developed in Russia, USA, Germany, Canada, Denmark, Sweden for expedition activities in the high Arctic in 2005 – 2008 among the respective national planning authorities and with international IPY, IASC and other initiatives (e.g. “Beringia-2005”, “Polar Gates”, etc.) Joint processing of newly acquired and earlier data and exchange of scientific materials in order to produce and publish an agreed concept of tectonic evolution of the Arctic oceanic basin and facilitate definition of its legal status in the context of UNCLOS Convention on the Law of the Sea.


Geographical location(s) for the proposed field activities:
Mendeleev Rise, Alpha and Lomonosov Ridges and zones of their transition with the adjoining sectors of the Siberian and Canadian-Greenland shelves

Approximate timeframe(s) for proposed field activities:
Arctic: VARIOUS            
Antarctic: n/a

Significant facilities will be required for this project:
R/V “Akademik Fedorov” carrying two heavy helicopters and geological sampling gear, IL-18 aircraft equipped for gravity and magnetic measurements IB “Healy” with two helicopters and equipment for marine geophysical and geological studies R/V “Polarstern” with two helicopters and equipment for marine geophysical and geological studies Logistic capability to be defined IB “Øden” with two helicopters and equipment for marine geophysical and geological studies

Will the project leave a legacy of infrastructure?
Generating new infrastructure is not intended. Implementation of the project is based on logistic and equipment facilities already at disposal of participating organizations and agencies.

How is it envisaged that the required logistic support will be secured?

Has the project been "endorsed" at a national or international level?
YES - National endorsement: Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation (MNR); IPY Organizing Committee of the Russian Federation; respective national authorities of other involved countries International endorsement: Preliminary negotiated with some of potential partners


Is the project a short-term expansion (over the IPY 2007-2008 timeframe) of an existing plan, programme or initiative or is it a new autonomous proposal?

In regard to 2005 field expeditions and part of subsequent plans the suggested activities are mainly the components of long-term national programs and/or some international projects falling within the IPY 2007-2008 timeframe. The sense of the proposed initiative is to coordinate the scientific objectives and logistic efforts of individual national operators in order to achieve cost-effective solution of the most controversial problems in the interests of the entire Arctic community.

How will the project be organised and managed?
Developing a full project proposal and subsequent implementation activities will require establishing a Project Planning and Coordination Group (PPCG) that would bring together the representatives of participating institutions and agencies. On Russian side, the scientific and organizational representation in PPCG can be provided by VNIIOkeangeologia.

What are the initial plans of the project for addressing the education, outreach and communication issues outlined in the Framework document?
The project results will be published in scientific papers (possibly also as an international monograph) and may be used for educational purposes as an example of integrated fundamental study of the world’s youngest and least known oceanic basins. Work on the project will involve active participation of students and young scientists as means of their training in regional geology, tectonics, marine and polar studies.

What are the initial plans of the project to address data management issues (as outlined in the Framework document?
In addition to scientific publications, the results of the project will be placed on websites of the participating parties and copied to respective national and international data centers. Exchange of original observational data between the partners and release of these data to public domain will be decided by agreement of all interested parties.

How is it proposed to fund the project?
Each institution will cover its participation in project activities from respective national budget. Some small allocations in support of PPCG meetings and project-related thematic workshops may be sought from international sources (e.g. IASC, INTAS, etc.)

Is there additional information you wish to provide?


D. Sc. Victor Poselov
Gramberg Research Institute for Geology and Mineral Resources of the World Ocean (VNIIOkeangeologia), Deputy Director
1 Angliisky Ave
St. Petersburg

Tel: 7-812-114-5731
Mobile: no
Fax: 7-812-114-1470

Other project members and their affiliation

Name   Affiliation
Pogrebitsky Ju. E.   VNIIOkeangeologia
Kostyuchenko S.L.   GEON
Marcussen Ch.   GEUS
Coakley B.   UAF
Jackson R.   GSC-Atlantic
Jokat W.   AWI