Expressions of Intent for International Polar Year 2007-2008 Activities

Expression of Interest Details


(ID No: 773)

Ecosystem West Greenland  (ECOGREEN)

The focus of this initiative is to establish the scientific basis for a long-term ecosystem-based management of natural marine resources exemplified by the off- shore marine ecosystem in West Greenland.The Arctic marine environment is vulnerable to impacts of human activities and is of high climatic sensitivity. In the Arctic, greenhouse warming over the next century is predicted to be 2-4 times higher than at lower latitudes. Increased human impact on marine ecosystems combined with effects of global climate change heightens the need for ecosystem-based management. However, knowledge of the interaction between climate change, natural resources, human behaviour, and governance structure is fragmentary, and, consequently, the knowledge base for ecosystem management is inadequate. There is a need for co-ordination of research efforts to overcome the fragmentation of these diverse fields of enquiry. An integrated research approach is needed to develop models for ecosystem management. The West Greenland marine ecosystem makes up an ideal model area for integrated studies of ecosystems, resources, and associated social factors, where general theory for ecosystem dynamics and ecosystem management can be developed and tested. The West Greenland marine ecosystem is very productive and sustains fisheries contributing 95% of Greenland’s total export value. Furthermore, seals and whales feed in the area during summer, and seabirds by the million, from the entire North Atlantic, find a critical winter habitat resource in the ice-free area.Specific tasks will include:Quantifying and improving the understanding of physical and biogeochemical interactions through field observations and modelling ·Climate change (atmosphere, ice, physical and biological oceanography)·Pelagic-benthic coupling (vertical flux)·Lateral coupling (fjord, shelf and deep ocean)Quantifying and improving the understanding of the ecosystem structure, function and productivity·Biodiversity·Trophic interactions and coupling between trophic levels·Spatial and temporal scales Identifying and describing the main social, economic and institutional drivers behind environmentally significant human behaviours ·Offshore fishing and hunting ·Governance institutions and social interactionsIdentifying and quantifying interactions between human activities and the ecosystem·Ecosystem impacts of hunting and fishing, including by-catch, discards, fish processing offal, habitat impacts of fishing gear, habitat disturbance or loss due to other human activities.·Ecosystem impacts of other anthropogenic disturbancesAnalysing how to transfer the West Greenland experiences to a generic approach for ecosystem based management ·Reflections and operationalisation of the concept of ecosystem-based management Analysis on how to transfer the West Greenland experiences to a generic approach for ecosystem-management applicable in a broader Arctic context.

Theme(s)   Major Target

What significant advance(s) in relation to the IPY themes and targets can be anticipated from this project?
ECOGREEN addresses all 6 IPY themes and the project will secure interdisciplinary advances by:· Improving the understanding of physical and biogeochemical interactions through field observations of key rates and processes and modelling of the vulnerable Arctic environment · Improving the understanding of the ecosystem structure, function and productivity· Identifying and describing the main social, economic and institutional drivers behind environmentally significant human behaviours · Identifying and quantifying interactions between human activities and the ecosystem· Initiating the formulation of an implementation plan to transfer the West Greenland experiences to a generic approach for ecosystem-based management in other Arctic regions, and possibly more complex ecosystems in different climate environments.

What international collaboration is involved in this project?
The present project involves 35 institutes from universities, governmental agencies and SME's. Close co-operation will take place with scientists from leading institutes from the EU, the USA and Canada involved in complementary projects, and mutual exchange of knowledge, scientist and students will be established.


Geographical location(s) for the proposed field activities:
Field work will cover the West Greenland area, focusing on the banks and fjord systems as well as their interaction with the open waters. A central transect is planned from Nuuk Fjord across the Fylla Bank. Field work will combine physical and biological monitoring.

Approximate timeframe(s) for proposed field activities:
Arctic: 03/07-03/09            
Antarctic: n/a

Significant facilities will be required for this project:
Several logistic facilities are required for the project 1) Research vessels Paamiut and Adolf Jensen, and 2) Laboratory facilities at the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources. These facilities can be shared with other projects.

Will the project leave a legacy of infrastructure?
Within the project, a model will be developed for sustainable ecosystem-based management of the marine resources of the West Greenland area. This represents a unique multidisciplinary integration of natural and social sciences which can serve as a model for integrated studies of ecosystems, resources, and associated social factors for indigenous people in other Arctic regions.

How is it envisaged that the required logistic support will be secured?

Has the project been "endorsed" at a national or international level?
YES - See attached Pd.f. file holding the General endorsement by the Danish National Committee for IPY


Is the project a short-term expansion (over the IPY 2007-2008 timeframe) of an existing plan, programme or initiative or is it a new autonomous proposal?

This is a new project, co-ordinated with existing Arctic project (MERSEA, GLOBEC, CASES, CABANERA, ARCTOS, ArcticNet, SBI) and other new IPY initiatives.

How will the project be organised and managed?
A Governing Council of 7 members representing the major stakeholders in the project will manage the project. The steering Group will appoint a scientific and a administrative project co-ordinator. The organisational structure of ECOGREEN is based on work packages (WP’s), that constitute the basic units of action. This allows delegation in the responsibility for the organisation, execution, and reporting of ECOGREEN. The project management shall:· Establish a strong co-operative and co-ordinated network between the different WP’s in particular and all partners by optimisation of human and technological resources in general · Ensure that the programme proceeds as anticipated· Secure coordination with other relevant projects under IPYA sound decision and advisory structure shall assist the project management in assessment of project performance, achievements, fulfilment of objectives and deliverables of the work packages.

What are the initial plans of the project for addressing the education, outreach and communication issues outlined in the Framework document?
Master, PhD and post-doctoral training are an integral component of the project. In support, a research school will be established and serve as a platform for genuine multi-disciplinary studies. Material addressing high school and university students as well as the general public will be disseminated through the public media

What are the initial plans of the project to address data management issues (as outlined in the Framework document?
Data management will be handled within the operating data management systems of the participating institutes, ICES and other bodies with which the institutes have entered into agreement.

How is it proposed to fund the project?
The Danish and Greenlandic partners will apply for financial support from the Danish Council for Strategic Research. International partners will be offered logistic support by the facilities provided by the outlined project. The project consortium will, if possible, apply for EU or other international founding.

Is there additional information you wish to provide?
ECOGREEN will support the establishment of a unique scientific network integrating natural and social sciences and thus improving the understanding of the marine ecosystem off West Greenland. Furthermore, implications of climate change for the structure and functioning of the ecosystem will be uniquely combined with studies on social systems and governance institutions. This project will generate a novel basis for scientific co-operation between natural and social sciences, within a well-defined ecosystem, and will also create a platform for exchange of knowledge and training of young scientists.


Professor, Ph.D Torkel Gissel Nielsen
National Environmental research Institute
Frederiksborg vej 399
DK-4000 Roskilde

Tel: +45 46301200
Mobile: no
Fax: +45 46301211

Other project members and their affiliation

Name   Affiliation
Søren Rysgaard   Greenland Natural Institute of Natural Resources
Erik Buch   Danish Meteorological Institute