Expressions of Intent for International Polar Year 2007-2008 Activities
Expression of Interest Details
Troposphere-ionosphere-magnetosphere interaction study over Antarctic Peninsula using network of automatic meteo-magnetic stations (TIMIS)
The main idea for TIMIS project is the study powerful weather front “projection” to geospace heights. The West Antarctic Peninsula Pacific seaside is one of the most active cyclonic regions of the Earth. The results, based on Vernadsky station data, show that the weather front is accompanied by excitement in troposphere the mid-scale atmospheric gravity waves (AGW). The AGW propagate on dynamo-area heights and modifies the transverse ionosphere conductivities and current systems that produce the magnetic field variations above the front passing and in conjugate region. Study this processes in the Antarctic Peninsula region will allow, first, reconstruct spatial structure of the weather front, secondly, restore spatial spectrum agitated AGW and, finally, restore the stimulated magnetic field variations. The project is based on the idea of the energy transport from the Earth surface to the upper ionosphere study using a network of the low power unmanned GPS-synchronized automated meteo-magnetic stations (AMMS). The AMMS with total power consumption 2.5 mW have been developed for this experiment in Ukraine. A network of observation sites spaced by 50-100 km will be established in the West Antarctic Peninsula and near-shore islands. In addition to main goals of TIMIS the space distributed AMMS network will allow to investigate the planetary waves in troposphere and their impact to upper atmosphere. The Antarctic Peninsula AMMS network of high precision magnetometers will allow the study geomagnetic micropulsations, especially supported by geomagnetic variation measurements in the conjugate region. Other goal, which will be simultaneously achieved, is magnetovariational sounding with the AMMS network. This will allow the study of deep geoelectric structure of the region which very interesting from geological point of view.To achieve the project objectives TIMIS involves: 1) development of 7-8 automated meteo-magnetic stations (three prototype AMMS have been created now and will be tested during 2005 Antarctic season); 2) installation of AMMS network on short triangulation base (50-100 km) early November 2006 in Antarctic Peninsula region and neighboring islands for field work period till March 2007; 3) data collecting and AMMS collecting and their (possible) installation for winter season on long triangulation base (300-500 km) for March 2007 - November 2007 field work on Bellingshausen (Arctowski), Palmer, Vernadsky, Esperanza, Marambio, Rothera, San Martin permanent stations; 4) basing on international discussion of the obtained results, development of experimental program for second field season November 2007- March 2008.The Project will be fulfilled in the framework of the ICESTAR Program (and APTIC action group). The measurements will be assembled into database and submitted to the ICESTAR Web portal and virtual observatory. On the final step of the project the theoretical model of AGW cyclonic excitation and propagation to geospace heights will be provided. Proposed TIMIS project is opened to involve other countries contribution within the framework of the IPY. We hope that the already existing valuable data archive of Faraday/Vernadsky measurements will be available for data processing and interpretation.
Theme(s) |
Major Target |
The current state of the polar environment
Change in the polar regions
Polar-global linkages and teleconnections
Exploring new frontiers
The polar regions as vantage points
Natural or social sciences research
What significant advance(s) in relation to the IPY themes and targets can be anticipated from this project?
TIMIS directed to IPY themes 1 - 5 by: 1) new understanding of the energy transfer processes from surface and troposphere to the geospace and relationship space weather and atmospheric weather systems; 2) the magnetic field disturbances transfer to North hemisphere conjugate region – energy exchange between hemispheres; 3) new data on fine space-temporary structure of weather front, AGW, and geomagnetic micropulsations in polar region; 5) explaining the energy transfer mechanism from lithosphere to ionosphere/magnetosphere what can be of high importance for the study of ionosphere earthquake precursors; 6) characterizing the current Antarctic Peninsula geoelectric structure and dynamics; 7) experiment results and obtained data interpretation will contribute to achieve a new understanding of the polar region changes.
What international collaboration is involved in this project?
For fulfillment the TIMIS project wide international collaboration will be established in the framework ICESTAR Program. We expect that the project will to be supported by logistic operations for establishing AMMS network and collecting and processing data by national operators which work in Antarctic Peninsula region: UK, USA, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Peru. The coordinated meteo-magnetic observations in the conjugate region (New England, USA) would be established as well.
Geographical location(s) for the proposed field activities:
Geographically, the TIMIS is focused on the Antarctic Peninsula region and the adjacent islands around Antarctic Peninsula, and in the conjugate region (New England, USA).
Approximate timeframe(s) for proposed field activities:
Arctic: Field work:11/06 – 12/08 Data analysis: 11/07 – 02/09 Modelling: 03/08 – 03/09
Antarctic: n/a
Significant facilities will be required for this project:
The project needs to be supported by logistic operations for establishing AMMS network and collecting data and AMMS after field work from operators which work in Antarctic Peninsula region: UK, USA, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Peru. Field work will be based on near-shore of existing year-round bases and field stations. Stations and ships will be shared with other projects during the IPY. Stationary ionosonde, magnetometer, meteo-, and TEC measurements (in Antarctic Peninsula and New England, USA), weather and geophysical satellite information in both hemispheres will be involved.
Will the project leave a legacy of infrastructure?
The network of the low power unmanned GPS-synchronized automated meteo-magnetic stations (AMMS) will be available for experiments after IPY.
How is it envisaged that the required logistic support will be secured?
Own national polar operator
Another national polar operator
National agency
Own support
Own national polar operator - Ukrainian Antarctic Center that operated year-round base Vernadsky (former British base Faraday) that will serve as base for fieldwork in the region. Ukrainian side has the three AMMS and developed theoretical model of troposphere-ionosphere-magnetosphere interaction.
Has the project been "endorsed" at a national or international level?
The project has been endorsed at Ukraine by IPY Initiative Group and included as part of National Research Program for 2005-2007.
Is the project a short-term expansion (over the IPY 2007-2008 timeframe) of an existing plan, programme or initiative or is it a new autonomous proposal?
The project is based on the pre-project test research provided in vicinity of Vernadsky base at the Antarctic Peninsula during 2005/6. For IPY phase the project can be developed as multinational, integrative research and is a new project. The project could be the first approach for study powerful weather front “projection” to geospace heights didn’t achieved in previous research yet.
How will the project be organised and managed?
It is suggested the creation the international management team of PIs that will coordinate development and realization of the project plan. In order to maximize the research region joint activities will be proposed. Field activities and logistics operations will be coordinated between participating scientists and national logistic departments. The main logistic support expected from Ukraine National Antarctic operator. Taking into account the distance between AMMS network points will be rationale to share the logistic support of other IPY projects. Then field activities and logistics will be coordinated between participating national logistic departments and scientists.
What are the initial plans of the project for addressing the education, outreach and communication issues outlined in the Framework document?
The TIMIS project will involve graduate and post-graduate students of connected other national universities. The results, and reports can be distributed to universities, schools, and websites. The research results including database will be included into student training program courses. The training video film and educational presentations will be created.
What are the initial plans of the project to address data management issues (as outlined in the Framework document?
The all project data and results will be sent to National Agency for spreading within International Information Organizations (ICESTAR Program Committee, ICSU World Data Centers, Joint Committee for Antarctic Data Management, WCRP) as well for data exchanging with Antarctic Agencies of UK, USA, Argentina, Chile, Brazil and other countries, and will be implemented on Antarctic Master Directory. Metadata from research activities will be available in all contributing countries.
How is it proposed to fund the project?
The AMMS development, instrumental and interpretation work will be funded from existing equipment and national resources of the coordinating country. Funding for research field and activities and some logistic support will be asked for at different national and international funding institutions in the framework other IPY projects.
Is there additional information you wish to provide?
The key question of near-surface energy releases and energy transport to the geospace, is identification of a transport agent capable of transferring the mechanical (or thermal) energy released in the neutral atmosphere, to the terrestrial plasma. One of the prospective carriers of near-surface disturbances might be associated with the large-scale atmospheric gravity waves (AGW) traveling upwards to ionosphere heights and producing the effects known as traveling ionosphere disturbances (TID). According the data from Vernadsky the passages of cyclone fronts were accompanied by excitation of large scale AGW that were detectable as air pressure variations. A sensitive magnetometer (0.1 nT) at the station enabled us to perform parallel Fourier analyses of magnetic field and air pressure variations. These findings have permitted constructing a model – first a qualitative and then a quantitative one – to describe the transfer of energy from the neutral to the ionized gas component in the atmosphere. The proposed project will provide by data to check and develop the model.
Prof. Yury Yampolsky
4, Chervonopraporna St., 61002, Kharkov, Ukraine
Tel: +38 057 7448462
Mobile: +38 067 7027787
Fax: +38 057 7448462
Other project members and their affiliation
Name |
Affiliation |
Eftyhia Zesta, Dr. (indication of interest) |
Mark Moldwin, Dr. (indication of interest) |
Umran INAN, Prof. (possible indication of interest) |
Stanford University, USA |
Mark Clilverd, Dr. (possible indication of interest) |
British Antarctic Survey, UK |
Alberto Foppiano, Prof. |
Universidad de Concepcion, Chile |
Valery Korepanov, Prof. |
Lviv Center of Institute Space Research, Ukraine |