International Polar Year
IPY 2007-2008
Updated on 05/01/2009

Expressions of Intent for IPY 2007-2008 Activities

Browsing Antarctic EoIs (Total: 376)

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ID No. Title Country
1079 Quaternary Climate Change in the Central Arctic Ocean USA

1088 Statistical publication on Canada’s North ("Canada's North, A Portrait") Canada

1098 Pacific-Antarctic influence on the Atlantic side of the Magellan Strait: Long term monitoring of Patagonian microbial communities at ca. 52°S. Argentina

1100 Studyng of the dynamics of the Sheclton’s shelf glacier (East Antarctic) with the use of GIS technology. Russia

1101 Cetacean Biodiversity in the Ross Sea Italy

1104 Atmospheric deposition flux into the South Indian Ocean, influence of local riverine inputs France

1111 PYRN - Permafrost Young Researchers Network- An international activity to bring together young permafrost researchers during the IPY Germany

1112 Race Antarctica UK

1114 Marine mammals of the Antarctic – ecosystem and ecological investigations in the King George Is. area. Russia

1115 Low temperature adaptation of osmoregulatory mechanisms in Antarctic teleosts. Italy

1120 Ice sheet dynamics: the influence of scaling and temperature upon sub-critical crack growth in ice Canada

1122 The Siberian Birth Outcomes Study Russia


1132 Integral Remote System in Antantic water Spain

1137 Antarctica: an introduction to a remote continent (book-Spanish language) Argentina

1141 Exhibition: Trapped in the Ice: Shackleton’s Legendary Antarctic Expedition Spain

1148 Evolutionary history of the Antarctic marine fauna: climatic and tectonic constraints UK

1151 Analysis of the transformation of large-scale atmospheric circulation of the troposphere in the Southern hemisphere in consequence of the climate warming impact for development of the physical-statistical methods of weather at Antarctic Peninsula. Ukraine


1154 TEACHERS’ DOMAIN -- POLAR SCIENCES Digital Library Collection USA

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