International Polar Year
IPY 2007-2008
Updated on 05/01/2009

Expressions of Intent for IPY 2007-2008 Activities

Expression of Interest Details

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(ID No: 1157)

Lithosphere structure of Western Antarctic according to geophysical and geological data  

Studying the lithosphere structure aimed at the definition of tectonic setting and major stages of evolution and dynamics of main tectonic units of passive margin of Western Antarctic is a constitutional part of geological and geophysical investigations carried out within the frame of government program for studying the Antarctic region during 2005-2010 years. In this regard special attention is given to perspective areas from the viewpoint of formation of mineral resources and to the regions where recent rift processes occur. As a result of execution the program of geophysical investigations during previous Antarctic expeditions new data on distribution of geophysical fields and tectonic units of the lithosphere of Western Antarctic region have been obtained. This made it possible to study evolution of separate blocks, to distinguish local heterogeneities of the Earth’s crust, to specify schemes of tectonic setting, to analyze stages of formation of major lithospheric blocks and, finally, to approach directly to the problem of developing the geodynamic model of the region. In an addition, priorities for further researches were determined and comprehensive geochemical study of basement rocks, which potentially are the possible sources for the mineral resources base in the area of responsibility of the Ukrainian Antarctic station, has begun. The proposed project is assumed to fulfill on the following stages: 1. Information gathering and analysis of geophysical and geological data on: gravity field (altimetry data as well as data of ship-born and land surveys), magnetic field, surface heat flow, velocity models of the Earth’s crust along seismic refraction profiles, velocity structure of the lithospheric upper mantle from seismic tomography models, recent geodynamics of the study region, chemical composition of the basement rocks as well as their age and physical properties. 2. Getting new data on the distribution of geophysical fields to determine structure of the crust and upper mantle of the study region and to estimate the possibilities of joint use of high-precision land-born data and that of remote-sensing study of geophysical fields. 3. Interpretation and developing the geophysical models: ?) qualitative interpretation of potential fields data aimed to distinguish major structural elements of different order; b) interpretation of these data using velocity cross-sections with the objective to distinguish different types of the crust; c) quantitative interpretation on separate, most representative, seismic profiles with setting up velocity and density models of the Earth’s crust and obtaining of mantle anomalies; d) setting up of a 3D velocity and density crustal model for recent rift zone of the Bransfield Strait. 4. Developing of a geodynamic model for the Western Antarctic region: ?) analysis of existing geodynamic models of the region, their revision and reinterpretation with invoking new original data; b) paleotectonic reconstructions of study region for Mesozoic-Cenozoic times according to paleomagnetic, tectonophysical data and results of isotopic geochronology; c) elaboration of a scheme of kinematics of major blocks and definition of a sequence of major tectonic events (fault and block tectonics) of the region; d) on the basis of all available data and by analogy with continental margins in other regions to make an analysis of geodynamic situation within the study area, which can be used for prognosis of mineral deposits in Western Antarctic region. The strategic purpose of the project can be formulated as the developing of an evolutionary (in time and space) and genetic model for formation of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle of Western Antarctic region. Planned field works are supposed to be logical continuation of previous geophysical and geological investigations in the region, first of all this concerns marine geophysical observations carried out by Institute of Geophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine during Antarctic expeditions on research ships "Ernst Krenkel", "Horizon" and others.

Theme(s)   Major Target
The current state of the polar environment
Change in the polar regions
Exploring new frontiers
The polar regions as vantage points
  Natural or social sciences research

What significant advance(s) in relation to the IPY themes and targets can be anticipated from this project?
As a result of execution of provided geophysical and geological investigations new data on distribution of geophysical fields over the basic lithospheric domains of Western Antarctic region will be obtained. This will allow to specify the schemes of structural and tectonic setting of Western Antarctic region, to distinguish local heterogeneities in the crust and upper mantle, to specify time of formation of separate blocks, to analyze stages of formation of principle tectonic units and to develop the geodynamic models of the region. For the first time for Western Antarctic region we plan to study: absolute age for main basement rocks, geochemical composition and petrological characteristics for basic rock types, structure and composition of the crust and upper mantle as a result of comprehensive study of (petro)physical parameters.

What international collaboration is involved in this project?
The international cooperation within the framework of this project will be realized by participation of scientists from Ukraine and Russia. There are a principle agreements about cooperation with the scientists from Poland and Germany, who are working in this region. We hope to collect and process data from other national operators working in western part of the Antarctic peninsula. We expect also that the project will be supported by logistical works in Western Antarctic Region during the IPY at the expense of sea shipping’s to permanent and seasonal stations.


Geographical location(s) for the proposed field activities:
Western Antarctica, Antarctic peninsula and adjoining territories, Bellingshausen Sea, Drake Strait, Bransfield Strait, area of Ukrainian Antarctic Station “Academician Vernadsky”. It is assumed to cover the region between longitudes (eastern) 290? and 315? and latitudes (southern) 55? and 66?.

Approximate timeframe(s) for proposed field activities:
Arctic: n/a
Antarctic: January 2007 – March 2007      December 2007 – March 2008      December 2008 – March 2009

Significant facilities will be required for this project:
Logistic resources for execution the project should be provided by national polar operator. The field works will be carried out with aid of the UAS "Academician Vernadsky" and from seasonal field camps. The ships will be used together with other projects during the IPY. The geophysical researches will be carried out from a board of the ship as a complex study and within the framework of other projects.

Will the project leave a legacy of infrastructure?
The geophysical and geological data base for the Antarctic peninsula and adjoining areas will be set up; this data base will be accessible for work and processing also after the termination of the IPY.

How is it envisaged that the required logistic support will be secured?
Own national polar operator

Has the project been "endorsed" at a national or international level?
The project is supported within the frame of National Ukrainian program for investigations of Antarctica during 2005-2007 years (till 2010y)


Is the project a short-term expansion (over the IPY 2007-2008 timeframe) of an existing plan, programme or initiative or is it a new autonomous proposal?

This project is new comprehensive project joining different directions of geological and geophysical studies, which were carried out within the frame of Ukrainian Government program for investigations in Antarctic region in 2002-2010 years (decree Cabinet of Ministry of Ukraine from 13.09.2001 ? 4220-p). The proposed project is based on the data and facts available in part from previous projects ? ?/2-2004 "Complex geophysical investigations in the area of UAS the "Academician Vernadsky" aimed at study of crustal structure and developing of a geodynamic model of the region, and project ? ?/1-2006 "Complex investigations of the Earth’s crust of Western Antarctic region according to geological and geophysical data". It is supposed that within the framework IPY this project can be executed independently.

How will the project be organised and managed?
The project, fulfilled by Institute of Geophysics of National Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine, will be managed by National Antarctic Centre of Ukraine. It is provided also that specialists from other countries (first of all from Russia) can participate in the project within the framework of non-currency exchange. The coordination of the works can be provided in part by coordinators of the IPY.

What are the initial plans of the project for addressing the education, outreach and communication issues outlined in the Framework document?
Graduate and post-graduate students will take part in this project. The major results from the project will be included in the educational programs of Universities and High schools.

What are the initial plans of the project to address data management issues (as outlined in the Framework document)?
Obtained during the project data with positioning of survey profiles, sampling places and results of proceedings will be included into the united GIS-system of National Antarctic Science Centre of Ukraine, it can not be ruled out their further transfer to the ICSU World Data Centers, Joint Committee for Antarctic Data Management, WCRP and others organizations. All data and results obtained during the project will be delivered to National Agency for development within the framework of International Organizations (ICESTAR Program committee, ICSU World Data Centers, Joint Committee for Antarctic Data Management, WCRP). All information about the research will be available on the web-site of the National Antarctic Science Centre of Ukraine.

How is it proposed to fund the project?
All equipment, instrumentation and interpretation results will be primarily financed at the expense of Ukrainian national founds (in particular founds of Ministry of Education and Science of the Ukraine). We plan to apply to other participants for their help (at the level of national resources) and to the SCAR for the logistic support.

Is there additional information you wish to provide?


Valerii Litvinov

National Antarctic Science Center of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
av. Tarasa Shevchenko 16, 01610, Kiev

Tel: +38 (044) 2463880

Other project members and their affiliation

Name   Affiliation
academician Vitaly Starostenko   Institute of Geophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
doctor of geology Vladimir Kobolev   Institute of Geophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
doctor of geology Vladimir Bakhmutov   Institute of Geophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
doctor of geology Tamara Yegorova   Institute of Geophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
doctor of geology Dmitriy Gladkochub   Siberian division of Institute of the Earth’s crust, Russian Academy of Sciences

Other Information

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