Expressions of Intent for IPY 2007-2008 Activities
Expression of Interest Details
International North Pole Drifting Station (INPDS)
The Earth climate change is a a real problem. It is established that the average temperature in the Arctic has risen almost twice as fast as the rest of the world over the past few decades. Melting of the Arctic sea-ice cover and increased heat loss from the Ocean to atmosphere may impact on local and global climate change. Long-term continuous observations of atmosphere and the Ocean state in the Arctic are aimed at obtaining reliable assessments of the current evidence of global changes in the Arctic Ocean in the key processes of their interaction with the global climate system and their reflection in the Earth climate models. Along with the other Arctic expeditions' observation data including those from the drifting polar stations these data allow to obtain reliable quantitative assessments of large scale changes of the Arctic water and ice state in the main periods of their seasonal evolution in the past 30 years. An important element of the general thermodynamic state of the Central Polar Basin is the evolution of the maximum temperature variations in the Atlantic water layer, which has risen from 0,6°C(1975) to 1,4°C (1995). At the same time, decrease of the Atlantic water temperature in the Arctic Ocean is a stable trend since 2000. The Project associated with the establishment of the international drifting station “North Pole” during the International Polar Year allows to obtain new data on meso and small scale climatic changes and participating in feedback of the polar climate system (albedo, atmosphere inversion, deep convection in the open ocean, interaction of fresh runoff water and the intermediate Atlantic water).Long-term observations from the drifting station during the IPY will allow to determine the warm intermediate Atlantic water transformation rate and obtain the current values of its temperature.The Project results will give quantitative assessments of the current processes in the Arctic Basin needed to improve the block of polar processes in the global climate models that will improve forecast quality for the North Polar Region climate changes. For this purpose the work within the international drifting station programme will be performed associated with specific contact measurements of ice thickness and related parameters on the Arctic Ocean in the period of the maximum seasonal ice cover (September-October). Within the Project unique magnetometric and ionospheric observations will be made. The Project associated with the international drifting station “North Pole” creation will be a great contribution to large-scale international projects and programmes related to polar region climate and environment study by WMO, TOC and other international organizations.
What significant advance(s) in relation to the IPY themes and targets can be anticipated from this project?
§Theme 4, to quantify the characteristics of the most extreme environment on earth. §Theme 1, to quantify the characteristics of the current state of §Ocean bottom, hydrosphere, cryosphere, atmosphere and magnetosphere on the North Pole §Targets observational programmes 5 (implementation of polar observatories to study important facets of planet Earth and beyond) and 4 (internationally coordinated investigations into new scientific frontiers).
What international collaboration is involved in this project?
International collaboration is essential for this program’s success. The USA, Norway, Canada, Russia and possibly China, Germany and Japan and other countries interested in conducting long-term direct measurements from the drifting ice on the Arctic Ocean will be directly involved in establishing and supporting the station.
Geographical location(s) for the proposed field activities:
INPDS will drift on an ice island in the Arctic circumpolar region. Landing of the advance team will be on the Canadian Arctic with a further two-year anticyclonic drift.
Approximate timeframe(s) for proposed field activities:
Arctic: April2007 - April 2009
Antarctic: n/a
Significant facilities will be required for this project:
Establishing and surveying INPDS will require an icebreaker with a helicopter, icebreaker assistance and cargo aircraft (IL-76). Delivery and substitution of instruments and people (scientific and engineering personnel) will be performed by air (AN-74 or Twin Otter) on the ice airfield. Fuel and other supply items will be airdropped from a cargo aircraft.Also ice-breakers may be used for auxiliary measurements and experiments
Will the project leave a legacy of infrastructure?
After INPDS operation on the drifting ice has been completed and if the ice floe state is good and there is no danger of drifting to the Fram Strait a decision may be made to continue observations. Otherwise the station should be evacuated.
How is it envisaged that the required logistic support will be secured?
Has the project been "endorsed" at a national or international level?
§Endorsed by Russian National IPY Committee§Endorsement will be requested from AOSB, FARO and national program operators (USA, Canada, Norway etc.)
Is the project a short-term expansion (over the IPY 2007-2008 timeframe) of an existing plan, programme or initiative or is it a new autonomous proposal?
The project will be an international extension of the Russian National Project of long-term continuous multidisciplinary observations on the drifting stations “North Pole” restarted in 2003. Observations from the drifting stations are one of the most important elements Of the IPY Russian Observation Programme
How will the project be organised and managed?
The Project will be organised as collaboration of the scientists from the countries involved. An International Project Management Group will be established to coordinate the activities with the participation of the representatives of national research institutes, logistic organisations and international organisations and groups. The Management Group will also coordinate the activities with other IPY projects.
What are the initial plans of the project for addressing the education, outreach and communication issues outlined in the Framework document?
INPDS organisation expects the participation of the students from the participating countries represented in the Programme. The results will be immediately presented on the Programme web-site and also in science and popular science journals. The INPDS observation results may be a part of Universities' training programmes
What are the initial plans of the project to address data management issues (as outlined in the Framework document)?
Standard data of meteorological and oceanographic observations will be promptly transmitted via WMO GTS system at the stated time. The experimental data will be published in peer-reviewed scientific journals and then sent to the Data Centres (including WDC's) by disciplines being metadata promptly published on the Data Centres sites and the Programme participants' sites.
How is it proposed to fund the project?
Funding for INPDS operation will be sought through the normal science funding agencies in the collaborating countries with the Project Management Group coordination.
Is there additional information you wish to provide?
INPDS is a natural continuation of the polar drifting stations operation restarted with stations “North Pole-32” and “North Pole-33” in Russia in 2003
Professor Vladimir Gruzinov
Organisation State Oceanographic Institute
6, Kropotkinskiy Pereulok Str.
Tel: +7-095-292-7143
Fax: +7-095-292-7650
Other project members and their affiliation
Name |
Affiliation |
Dr.Yuri Sychev |
Polar Foundation, Russia |
Leonid Bogdanov |
Arctic and Antarctic Research Center "Pole", Russia |
Other Information