International Polar Year
IPY 2007-2008
Updated on 05/01/2009

Expressions of Intent for IPY 2007-2008 Activities

Expression of Interest Details

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(ID No: 424)

Scientific Traverse in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica (Japanese-Swedish Joint Antarctic Traverses)  (Japanese-Swedish Joint Antarctic Traverses)

Japan and Sweden will conduct the joint inland traverse between Wasa and Syowa via Dome Fuji in cooperation the season of 2007/2008. Japanese team goes toward Wasa via Dome Fuji from Syowa, and Swedish team goes toward Dome Fuji via Kohnen from Wasa. Both teams join on the route and exchange scientists and scientific equipments. They retrace the traverse route to each station and complete traverse of 2500 km between Syowa and Wasa. Science plans for the joint traverse are planned as follows. Theme 1. Spatial variability of snow and air chemistry in the inland region The main purposes are to reveal spatial variability of snow and air chemistry and to determine transfer function between atmosphere and snow for interpreting result from ice core analysis. Surface snow sampling and pit work will be carried out for the purposes. And automatic weather stations will be newly installed at several sites along the traverse route to study climatic condition in the inland region. - Snow and aerosol sampling, snow pit work and automatic weather observations Theme 2. Change in climate and surface mass balance for the last 50 years and its spatial variability For about 50 years after IGY of 1957, weather observation data have been collected at many stations in the coastal region of the Antarctica but only a few in the inland. - 10 m coring with a hand augur or shallow ice coring to cover the last 50 years since IGY Theme 3. Internal layers and surface and bedrock topographies along the ice divideIt is important to collect information on internal layers within ice sheet and surface and bedrock topographies between deep ice core sites for comparing result from deep ice cores. Furthermore, these provide boundary values for ice dynamics simulation with change in position of ice divide in a glacial cycle. - Surface elevation with GPS method - Ice thickness and internal layers with multi-frequency ice radars - Surface snow layering with snow radar - Snow surface condition: surface roughness and glazed surface

Theme(s)   Major Target

What significant advance(s) in relation to the IPY themes and targets can be anticipated from this project?
(1) Glaciological and climatological features will be clarified in the unsurveyed inland plateau of the east Antarctica by this international efforts. (Theme 4)(2) The spatial and temporal variabilities of surface mass balance and air temperature for about 50 years after IGY of 1957 will be obtained in the Antarctic inland region and will be interpreted with meteorological data observed at Antarctic stations. (Theme 2)(3) Present status of atmospheric environment in the Antarctic inland will be clarified by snow and air chemistry research. (Theme 1)(4) Multi-frequency radio echo sounding will provide information on different kind of perturbation in the ice sheet such as irregularities in accumulation pattern with time, influence of bed topography and basal melting. (Theme 1 and 2)

What international collaboration is involved in this project?
The scientific planning is made in collaboration between Stockholm University in Sweden and National Institute of Polar Research in Japan and in the international network of ITASE.


Geographical location(s) for the proposed field activities:
Dronning Maud Land of the east Antarctica: Field work is planned along the inland traverse route connecting Syowa-Dome Fuji-Kohnen-Wasa

Approximate timeframe(s) for proposed field activities:
Arctic: n/a
Antarctic: 10/07 – 02/08            

Significant facilities will be required for this project:
Snow vehicles for traverse researchAircraft for transportation of personnel

Will the project leave a legacy of infrastructure?

How is it envisaged that the required logistic support will be secured?

Commercial aircraft will be used for the transportation of personnel between Novolazarevskaya and Syowa/Wasa.

Has the project been "endorsed" at a national or international level?
Both Japanese and Swedish IPY 2007-2008 National committees have endorsed this proposal.


Is the project a short-term expansion (over the IPY 2007-2008 timeframe) of an existing plan, programme or initiative or is it a new autonomous proposal?
Both scientists and logistics staff have made planning as the first Japanese and Swedish cooperative project.

How will the project be organised and managed?
Japanese plan of this project will be organised and managed by the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE).

What are the initial plans of the project for addressing the education, outreach and communication issues outlined in the Framework document?
Japanese National Committee for IPY2007-2008 will invite high school and junior high school students to join in a prize contest for best research plan before and during IPY. Some research plans may be carried out during this traverse.

What are the initial plans of the project to address data management issues (as outlined in the Framework document)?
Data obtained will be opened through each national data center or through international data center such as World Data Centre for paleoclimatology and Glaciology.

How is it proposed to fund the project?
Japanese plan will be funded by the National Institute of Polar Research as a part of Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition program.

Is there additional information you wish to provide?


Professor Yoshiyuki Fujii
National Institute of Polar Research
9-10, Kaga 1-chome
Itabashi-ku, Tokyo

Tel: 81-3-3962-4742
Mobile: +81 90 4749 1794
Fax: 81-3-3962-5701

Other project members and their affiliation

Name   Affiliation
Kokichi Kamiyama, Professor   National Institute of Polar Research
Hideaki Motoyama, Dr.   National Institute of Polar Research
Kumiko Goto-Azuma, Dr.   National Institute of Polar Research
Shuji Fujita, Dr.   National Institute of Polar Research
Teruo Furukawa, Dr.   National Institute of Polar Research
Shuhei Takahashi, Professor   Kitami Institute of Technology

Other Information

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