Expressions of Intent for IPY 2007-2008 Activities
Expression of Interest Details
Loven FLOWS (FLux Of Water and Sediments) (Loven FLOWS)
The aim of our project is to study the impact of the recent climatic changes (since the Little Ice Age) on the hydrological dynamics of a drainage basin representative of alpine-type continental glaciers of western Spitsbergen (Loven East glacier). During 4 years (including the International Polar Year), through an hydrological study, the fluxes (liquid and solid) and their spatio-temporal dynamics will be measured; the temporal variability will be estimated concerning the different components of water budget due to the global change (0-150 a). Study area Numerous investigations carried out in King's Bay during the last four decades provide a large set of data at various scales of the Arctic environment and its evolution dynamics. In this area, numerous glacier basins in continuous permafrost characterize the Brøgger peninsula. Among these systems, the drainage basin of the Loven East glacier (10 km2) has been selected in this project to be an observatory of streamflow dynamics in western Spitsbergen (Fig 3). The selection is based upon 4 criteria: – The Basin of the Loven East glacier is similar to and representative of the small continental glaciers of western Spitsbergen (size, elevation, physical and geological characteristics, exposition, vegetation and minor human influence); – the outflows of the basin are concentrated into two well-defined rivers. Downstream, the glacier terminal moraine abuts a calcareous bar which forces the shifting water channels to join and cross it in two well-developed canyons. This exceptional situation in polar regions allows the measurement of the total outflows; – the Loven East basin also provides a rapid response to recent climatic changes. Hydro-climatic changes are archived in the different generations of moraines, of ice (naled ice and cored ice) and of vegetal covers. Like the neighbouring glaciers of western Spitsbergen, the Loven East glacier retreated extensively, especially during the last forty years due to global warming (Fig. 2); – the database available for this glacier provides data useful for adding historical variability to the hydrology of this glacier. This Loven FLOWS program is an interdisciplinary project that will be conducted over a 4-years period including the International Polar Year. The objective is to set up a real scale hydrological observatory of a representative polar glacier and its catchment basin, by a survey in continuous of both (i) the fluxes (water and sediments) and their spatial and temporal dynamics and (ii) some meteorological parameters (T°C, Pmm). This monitoring will be coupled to investigations for determining the components of water budget, particularly the sub-permafrost and sub-glacial discharges that are rarely taken into account.
Theme(s) |
Major Target |
The current state of the polar environment
Change in the polar regions
Natural or social sciences research
Data Management
What significant advance(s) in relation to the IPY themes and targets can be anticipated from this project?
This Loven FLOWS program is an interdisciplinary project that will be conducted over a 4-years period including the International Polar Year. The objective is to set up a real scale hydrological observatory of a representative polar glacier and its catchment basin, by a survey in continuous of both (i) the fluxes (water and sediments) and their spatial and temporal dynamics and (ii) some meteorological parameters (T°C, Pmm). This monitoring will be coupled to investigations for determining the components of water budget, particularly the sub-permafrost and sub-glacial discharges that are rarely taken into account. The data collected through this project will be related to past measurements to assess the long-term changes (0-102 a) in order to highlight the hydrological response to the glacier retreat and the permafrost evolution since the Little Ice Age.
What international collaboration is involved in this project?
Université polytechnique de Madrid, département d'hydrologie : Adolfo ERASO et Carmen Dominguez – Université de Moscou : State Ocenaographic Institute, Olga V. Gorelits et Igor ZEMLIANOV - University of Sosnoviec Pr Wieslawa Krawsczik
Geographical location(s) for the proposed field activities:
Loven East Glacier (= Austre LovenBreen), 10 km2, Svalbard. Accomodation to the Jean Corbel French camp, King’s bay, Svalbard
Approximate timeframe(s) for proposed field activities:
Arctic: 04/07 – 11/07 04/08 – 11/08
Antarctic: n/a
Significant facilities will be required for this project:
accomodation at the French base Jean Corbel - use of logistic equipement existing in Ny Aalesund (Base Rabot) and Jean Corbel (rubber boat, skidoo, etc.) - scientific equipement provided by each laboratory and/or specially bought for this project
Will the project leave a legacy of infrastructure?
The infrastructure used is already existent : Corbel French Camp. - The project would certainly leg new equipment to this existing camp
How is it envisaged that the required logistic support will be secured?
Own national polar operator
National agency
Other sources of support
Has the project been "endorsed" at a national or international level?
this program has been presented (too late ?) to the IPEV France (see Mr Fily and Mr Frenot)
Is the project a short-term expansion (over the IPY 2007-2008 timeframe) of an existing plan, programme or initiative or is it a new autonomous proposal?
It is a new project but included in a four years project (2006-2009) to be presented to the IPEV France in 2006. The Polar year will represent the most important period on the field of this project in which 2006 will be a year of installation and 2009 a year of restitution of the results
How will the project be organised and managed?
directed by Dr Madeleine Griselin, senior scientist CNRS Besançon -co-directed by Pr Christelle Marlin, Professor of the University Paris-Sud orsay. Thes two scientists will organise all the logistical and scientifical issues. This will be done over the management of CNRS France and of the French polar Institute (IPEV) in relation with the universities of Madrid and Moscow
What are the initial plans of the project for addressing the education, outreach and communication issues outlined in the Framework document?
This program will be well covered by the communication service of CNRS. During the polar year a real time website will be operating, with a webcam in contact with the programme of webcams around the polar area proposed by the “Remote sensing in polar environment group”, directed by Ken Dean (Fairbanks) and Helmut Epp (Yellowknife).
What are the initial plans of the project to address data management issues (as outlined in the Framework document)?
data will be processed by the different laboratories involved. - published as soon as possible through international papers and congress - for most of them, available directly on the web site. - if the IPY organised a central data bank, our data will be made available through this structure
How is it proposed to fund the project?
university of Franche-Comté - region of Franche-Comté - french and foreigner laboratories involved (Besançon, Paris, Madrid, Moscou) - CNRS France - IPEV - IPY - Glims - CliC
Is there additional information you wish to provide?
This program will represent a good presence of the French scientists in the Arctic, especially in Svalbard where French programs are conducted since 1963. It would be a pity if the French scientists could not be present in their camp which did not exist during the last IPY. Some organisations are involved in this program and provided funds to buy the scientific equipment and to finance the preliminary missions preparing the field presence of 2007-2008 : it will be a great loss not to follow them.
Dr Madeleine Griselin
ThéMA CNRS, 30 rue Mègevand 25030 Besançon Cedex France
Tel: 00 33 3 81 66 59 51
Mobile: 00 33 6 81 39 48 51
Fax: 00 33 3 81 66 51 55
Other project members and their affiliation
Name |
Affiliation |
Pr Christelle Marlin |
Dr Thierry BROSSARD |
ThéMA CNRS, Besançon, France |
Dr Daniel JOLY |
Pr Dominique LAFFLY |
CNRS IRSAM-SET, universite de Pau France |
Pr Adolpho ERASO & Pr Carmen Dominguez |
Universidad Polytechnica de Madrid, Spain |
Université de Moscou : State Ocenaographic Institute |
Other Information