International Polar Year
IPY 2007-2008
Updated on 05/01/2009

Expressions of Intent for IPY 2007-2008 Activities

Expression of Interest Details

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(ID No: 841)

PEOPLES' PLANET Teleconnections linking the Poles, the Planet and its Peoples  (PEOPLES' PLANET)

PEOPLES’ PLANET will be a year-long suite of On-Site events, On-Line interactions and Media Specials connecting young people and lifelong learners worldwide – from Indiana to India, and Aberdeen to Zimbabwe – with earth and space scientists, designed to encourage the understanding of the role of the Poles in both regulating and revealing global processes, and to grow the knowledge and desire to protect our home planet. PEOPLES’ PLANET will be a decentralized series of education and outreach events, harmonized by a strong common vision, mobilized through an attractive and unified web interface, and with an integrated public information strategy and branding. The first International Geophysical Year of 1957-1958, like the new International Polar Year (IPY) and International Heliospheric Year (IHY), was – of necessity – initiated and led by scientists. The rest of the planet heard about or read the results after the explorers returned. PEOPLES’ PLANET takes advantage of one of the key technological innovations since 1957 – the invention and widespread dissemination of the Internet and the World Wide Web – to bring youngsters, their families, and lifelong learners of all ages and nations into a year (or more) of exploring Earth, seeing their world through the new eyes and instruments of the 21st century, using the unique vantage point of space, and the dramatic and engaging environments of the Poles. Rather than watching others explore remote frontiers, PEOPLES’ PLANET will empower millions to experience Earth and its systems for themselves, appreciating – perhaps for the first time – their homes in the context of their home planet. They’ll experience Earth as a dynamic, life-sustaining world, part of a solar system of very different places, born of a Universe full of billions of other galaxies, stars and planets, a place of wonders, mysteries, and frontiers still to be explored. PEOPLES’ PLANET will use the Internet for voice, text, image and video communication between researchers working at some of Earth’s most exotic and exciting locations, and citizens at home at their computers, or on-site for popular community events in science centers, zoos and aquariums. Artfully-designed interfaces and web portals will display Earth’s wonders both in high-resolution full motion on High Def and IMAX screens in museums, and as enticing graphics on cell phones. PEOPLES’ PLANET will also present elementary and secondary school teachers with many “teachable moments”, high-profile opportunities to begin the collection of Earth data.

Theme(s)   Major Target
The current state of the polar environment
Change in the polar regions
Polar-global linkages and teleconnections
Exploring new frontiers
The polar regions as vantage points
The human dimension in polar regions

What significant advance(s) in relation to the IPY themes and targets can be anticipated from this project?
Rather than proposing an original, independent research project, PEOPLES’ PLANET is designed to serve as a kind of “megaphone”, or “information sharing utility”, amplifying the visibility of other IPY, IHY and eGY activities on the national and international stages. It will piggy-back on select, approved, U.S. and international projects, and provide a multi-faceted telecommunications interface to share IPY research projects, the polar scientific process, and the personal stories of IPY researchers with audiences worldwide. In addition, it will link the peoples of the Arctic with residents of very different environments, breaking down barriers of distance and unfamiliarity.

What international collaboration is involved in this project?
Through collaboration with groups such as GLOBE (initial interest expressed: not formally committed) PEOPLES’ PLANET will broker interactions between students and teachers in the 105 nations already participating in GLOBE, with IPY researchers and projects. Video production will document IPY in all participating nations, and be available to global TV networks. Lastly, the PP website(s) and interactive opportunities will be accessible to all via the WWW.


Geographical location(s) for the proposed field activities:
PEOPLES’ PLANET does not plan any new field projects of its own, but will rather make accessible – on video and/or online – select IPY/IHY activities. Notwithstanding this, we anticipate working in both the Arctic (Alaska, Norway) and Antarctica, whether via NSF OPP, or via other national programs providing media access.

Approximate timeframe(s) for proposed field activities:
Arctic: Scouting and pre-production in the respective field seasons of both Poles (2006) and access during IPY expeditions and activities during 2007-2009.            
Antarctic: Scouting and pre-production in the respective field seasons of both Poles (2006) and access during IPY expeditions and activities during 2007-2009.            

Significant facilities will be required for this project:
Initial P2K telecommunication projects included complex logistics including multiple agencies such as NSF, NASA and NOAA to make possible, for example, the first live video broadcast from South Pole, and – in 1998 – from Palmer Station. Now PP seeks only shared access to “spare” bandwidth and will use a new generation of video equipment compatible with data support and transmission networks. In order to document IPY field projects on video , PP requests travel and support access (cost reimbursable subject to overall funding) for a 3-person crew. For web events, a 1-person producer/field correspondent/web specialist.

Will the project leave a legacy of infrastructure?
Rather than technological infrastructure, PP hopes to promote the development of the >human infrastructure< – the researchers, technicians, and support staff, plus an informed and inspired citizenry of nations committed to exploration – who can continue to extend the legacies of IGY and IPYs #1-#4 on into the future.

How is it envisaged that the required logistic support will be secured?
Own national polar operator
National agency
Military support
Other sources of support

Has the project been "endorsed" at a national or international level?
PEOPLES’ PLANET will be coordinated by PASSPORT TO KNOWLEDGE, American public television’s longest running series of interactive science programming. P2K coordinated the first-ever live video connections to South Pole Station (1995) and Palmer (1998) for 2 critically-acclaimed LIVE FROM ANTARCTICA mini-series (comprising 7 hours of live TV with pre-taped documentary sequences.) In 2002, P2K choreographed 4 hours of live video direct from the UAFairbanks-operated Poker Flat sounding research range, Alaska, as part of LIVE FROM THE AURORA. Working with invaluable partners, collaborators and co-funders, such as NASA, NSF, NOAA, and universities, educators, and broadcasters, P2K specializes in imaginative telecommunications solutions to challenging scientific opportunities. IPY/IHY/eGY is clearly another such rare but extremely valuable moment.


Is the project a short-term expansion (over the IPY 2007-2008 timeframe) of an existing plan, programme or initiative or is it a new autonomous proposal?
See 2.6

How will the project be organised and managed?
P2K will work with the international IPY coordinating committee to identify candidate scientific field campaigns and associated research to feature on camera and online. An advisory board of informal and formal science educators (including both science centers, community groups, university faculty, and elementary and secondary teachers) will suggest instructional support materials. Science center advisors will provide input on the number and format of local events.

What are the initial plans of the project for addressing the education, outreach and communication issues outlined in the Framework document?
See above, passim. PEOPLES’ PLANET is dedicated 100% to education, outreach and communication.

What are the initial plans of the project to address data management issues (as outlined in the Framework document)?
“Data management”, as in scientific projects, does not apply to PEOPLES’ PLANET. However all online materials will be supported as interactive resources throughout IPY (2007-2009) and will remain accessible in archive mode thereafter. Subject to licensing requirements from broadcast partners, edited segments of footage will be made available to participating researchers and institutions in recognition of their cooperation in documenting fieldwork. A full set of videos, and any DVDs or CDs made from PEOPLES’ PLANET resources will be deposited with all World Data Centers, and such other similar facilities as shall be proposed by ICSU and agreed by PP.

How is it proposed to fund the project?
PEOPLES’ PLANET intends to solicit funding and in-kind support from similar sources as have enabled the production of more than 100 hours of live and taped video since 1993, viz. US government research agencies (NASA, NSF, NOAA, DOE, etc.), private corporations, and foundations. Additional revenue will be generated from the sale of broadcast sponsorships and licenses, where appropriate.P2K anticipates that substantial resources will be extended to PEOPLES’ PLANET (i.e. Internet access from remote locations, field support and travel, etc.) as an in-kind contribution.

Is there additional information you wish to provide?
A leader of the 1957-58 US effort expressed the importance of such worldwide, science-based initiatives more eloquently than we could hope to do. Today we might prefer “humankind”, but we quote his remark here in the hope that something similarly grand may be said some years from now by a new generation, looking back on what we all – working collectively – may have been able to achieve in 2007-2009. IGY was “…The single most significant peaceful activity of mankind since the Renaissance and the Copernican revolution.” Hugh Odishaw, quoted in “Once Around the Sun”, Ronald Fraser The challenges -- of logistics, of planning time, of funding -- are large, but the opportunity is tremendous.


Mr Geoffrey Haines-Stiles
27 Washington Valley Road
New Jersey

Tel: 973.656.9403
Mobile: 973.223.3816
Fax: 973.656.9813

Other project members and their affiliation

Name   Affiliation
Paul Berkman   (former Byrd Polar Research Center) (affiliations for identification ONLY!)
David Herring   Earth Observatory, NASA Goddard (affiliations for identification ONLY!)
Robert Bindshadler   Glaciologist, NASA Goddard (affiliations for identification ONLY!)
Lee Vierling   University of Idaho (affiliations for identification ONLY!)
Sandra Henderson   Education Director, GLOBE (affiliations for identification ONLY!)
John Pickle   Boston Museum of Science (affiliations for identification ONLY!)

Other Information

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