International Polar Year
IPY 2007-2008
Updated on 05/01/2009

Expressions of Intent for IPY 2007-2008 Activities

Expression of Interest Details

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(ID No: 876)

Subglacial Antarctic Lake Environments- Unified Team for Exploration and Discovery  (SALE-UNITED)

Subglacial Antarctic lake environments are a premier, new frontier for exploration during the IPY 2007-2009. Several coordinated campaigns by various nations are in the early stages of planning and implementation. These efforts will be coordinated under the auspices of the SCAR Scientific Research Program (SRP) - Subglacial Antarctic Lake Environments (SALE). Under the leadership of the SCAR SRP SALE, these programs will join together to promote and advance common scientific, technological, and logistical issues in close consultation with COMNAP. The coalition approach recognizes that the ambitious interdisciplinary objectives of SALE, as internationally agreed during a series of workshops and discussions of the SCAR Group of Specialists (SALEGOS), can only be realized by multiple exploration programs investigating exemplars of known diverse subglacial environments over the next decade or more. The IPY provides an opportunity for an intensive period of initial exploration of subglacial lake environments that will advance scientific discoveries in glaciology, biogeochemistry, paleoclimate, biology, geology and tectonics, and ecology to a new level that could not otherwise be achieved by a single nation or program. Each program will be an independently managed campaign with specific scientific objectives, logistical requirements, and management structure that will contribute to, and accrue added value from, a common international research agenda. Synergy is provided by the pooling of resources were appropriate, the sharing of experiences and expertise, the coordination of logistics and technological developments, and a shared vision. The SCAR SRP SALE will serve as the international science and technology steering committee with a subcommittee structure representing the major scientific disciplines and technological needs. The steering committee (SALE) will be comprised of the leaders of each national program supplemented by international experts as needed. A common effort will be the development, implementation and promotion of environmentally benign procedures for subglacial lake environment exploration and research programs properly vetted through national and ATCM procedures. SALE will oversee planning and technology development to ensure the highest degree of environmental stewardship. With proper planning and careful and methodical technology development and testing SALE can be an exemplar of environmental stewardship. A concerted multi-target approach will assure the widest possible characterization of subglacial lake environments beneath the East and West Antarctic Ice Sheets. UK researchers and partners are conducting a diverse set of projects including: numerical models of hydrological processes of subglacial environments; studies of ‘accreted’ ice particles dynamics and origins in subglacial environments using models; studies of subglacial topography to establish basin origins; surveys and inventory of subglacial lakes continent-wide; and surveys of and entry into Subglacial Lake Ellsworth in West Antarctica. In the US an ROV is being developed for ice grounding studies including water and sediment sampling and an AUV is being developed for possible intra-lake surveys. Geophysical surveys, lake evolution studies and modelling, ice sheet interactions concentrating on the Lake Vostok region are being conducted by a US team. Subglacial Lake Concordia will be a site for exploration and technology development for an Italian and French team including lake entry and sampling, and microbiological, geochemical, and genomic studies (in collaboration with the German IDEA traverse project), The Russians will conduct over-snow geophysical studies (radar profiling and reflection/refraction seismic experiments) in the area of Lake Vostok to study the subglacial lake bedrock, shoreline topography, ice sheet and water circulation modelling, and ice sheet/water interaction. The Russians will conduct Airborne geophysical surveys over the East Antarctic Highland between 75°E and 110°E exploring for other subglacial features will be conducted as well as retrieving further Lake Vostok accretion ice. A joint French –Italian project will study Dome C glaciology, chemistry and ice dynamics studies. Technology will be developed for access hole for ice geophysics (temperature, inclinometry measurements) and bedrock sampling. Clean technologies will be developed for lake entry, permanent access and sediment collection in small sub-glacial lakes or lake-like features.This portfolio of projects will advance our understanding of the range of possible lake evolutionary histories; the character of the physical, chemical, and biological niches; the interconnectivity of subglacial lake environments; the coupling of the ice sheet, climate and the evolution of life under the ice; the tectonic setting; and the interplay of biogeochemical cycles. Research and exploration programs spanning the continent will allow for complementary investigations of subglacial lake environments of differing ages, evolutionary histories, and biogeochemical settings providing a holistic view of these environments over millions of years and under changing climatic conditions. While early discoveries and exciting new results are expected during the IPY 2007-2009, a long term sustained program of research and exploration will continue far beyond 2009.

Theme(s)   Major Target
Exploring new frontiers
  Natural or social sciences research

What significant advance(s) in relation to the IPY themes and targets can be anticipated from this project?
Subglacial lake environments have not been accessed and directly sampled. It is expected that during the IPY period, first entry will be accomplished. The first entry will most likely to take direct measurements of a lake, to deploy observatories and if possible recover samples. Since so little is known about these environments, every observation will be new and groundbreaking. In particular, it is expected that we will learn whether life is present in these bodies of water, how they make a living, how they relate to surface populations and some indication of their heritage. In addition, the dynamics of lake environments will be explored through studies of gas content, dissolved solids, particulate matter, and three-dimensional characterization of physical and chemical fields within these environments. It is possible that the first subglacial lake sediments will be recovered by the end of the IPY period.

What international collaboration is involved in this project?
SALE-UNITED is a coalition of individual programs being planned by several countries. At present the program includes projects by Denmark, France, Italy, Germany, Russia, UK, and the US. Each country or group of investigators will also submit IPY applications referring to this omnibus proposal as the mechanism for international coordination.


Geographical location(s) for the proposed field activities:
SALE-United will have three main focus areas Lake Vostok, Dome C/Lake Concordia, and West Antarctic Lake Ellsworth. Russian colleagues have also indicated that further survey work will be conducted near Princess Elizabeth Land (to the East of 75 degrees E) to confirm the presence of other potential study sites.

Approximate timeframe(s) for proposed field activities:
Arctic: n/a
Antarctic: 09/06 –05/07      09/07 –05/08      09/08 – 05/09

Significant facilities will be required for this project:
Each program is dealing with logistics internally within their own national programs. Intensive field efforts will be required for extended periods of time. Discussion is still on-going whether large drilling platforms and field camps are preferred or a more mobile ice drilling system that could be rapidly deployed for access and sampling then moved to the next location. Existing field facilities will be preferred subject to scheduling and availability. Where feasible shared logistics will be coordinated through COMNAP. There is also interest in linking SALE with planned traverses that will be conducted near the study sites. Specialized ice drilling, sampling devices, coring devices, and observatories are to be developed.

Will the project leave a legacy of infrastructure?
SALE-UNITED proposes a ten year program of exploration and research that extends far beyond the IPY time frame. It is expected that the ice drilling capabilities will benefit other programs in the field and provide a much needed capability to the community that will last beyond IPY. Specialized coring and sampling devices with protocols for clean sampling will be useful for other projects and programs. The program will also train a new generation of scientists and verse them in the importance of subglacial dynamics to the global system.

How is it envisaged that the required logistic support will be secured?
Own national polar operator
Another national polar operator
National agency

Each country will arrange for its logistics through its national program and its usual procedures and sources. Shared logistics will be coordinated through COMNAP and by individual groups.

Has the project been "endorsed" at a national or international level?
Subglacial Antarctic Lake Environments (SALE) is a SCAR Scientific Research Program. SALE-type activities are also referred to in US and ICSU IPY planning documents. Several distinct programs, linked to SALE-UNITED, will be submitted to the Joint committee by self-selected multidisciplinary groups. The portfolio of proposals that develops comprises the full SALE-UNITED programme for which IPY endorsement is sought.


Is the project a short-term expansion (over the IPY 2007-2008 timeframe) of an existing plan, programme or initiative or is it a new autonomous proposal?
Planning for SALE-UNITED has taken place over the last six years through multiple workshops and the convening of a Group of Specialists by SCAR (http://salegos-scar.montana.edu/). While planning has been on-going the current agreement to coordinate through SCAR and SALE-UNITED is a new proposal. There are also individual on-going SALE related studies by individuals and groups of investigators.

How will the project be organised and managed?
SALE-UNITED will be coordinated and organized under the auspices of the SCAR Scientific Research Program “Subglacial Antarctic Lake Environments (SALE)”. The SRP will be led by an international group of scientists that will form a Steering Committee. The membership is nominated through and approved by SCAR ensuring representation and proper expertise. Subcommittees will be formed as necessary to address specific topics. Meeting will also invite experts as needed to complement the SRP’s expertise.

What are the initial plans of the project for addressing the education, outreach and communication issues outlined in the Framework document?
SALE has an already established web site (http://salegos-scar.montana.edu/) which provides regular press releases on recent findings. In the future the web site will include extensive materials on subglacial lakes including a bibliography of reports. SALE will encourage members to present at scientific meetings and organize sessions. SALE members will be available to the press for comment and interviews. To provide a focus for SALE outreach, a Subcommittee on Communication, Education, and Outreach will be formed to explore outreach and education options and develop a comprehensive communication, education, and information dissemination plan for SALE. SALE’s outreach efforts will include, but not be limited to: the creation of promotional materials, developing an available speaker and topics list, creating interactive tools for educating the public, posting of meeting reports, and providing contact information for the media

What are the initial plans of the project to address data management issues (as outlined in the Framework document)?
SALE will form a data management subcommittee to establish data standards. The SALE web site will be a central portal to access data. SALE will adopt and adhere to the data management and access policies promulgated by the IPY PPO and the ICSU/WMO JC. While SALE will not retain data, its web site will serve as a portal to member nations that do, making data widely available. SALE will develop a set of data management protocols and standards that all participants can agree to adhere to, to ensure comparability of data across all projects and programs. The standards will be developed by a SALE Subcommittee for Data Management Protocols and Standards in consultation with JCADM and other relevant organizations.

How is it proposed to fund the project?
Individual projects will seek funding through their normal national procedures. Many projects are already approved and others are pending final review and approval. SALE-UNITED will encourage and assist teams to identify possible funding sources for joint activities.

Is there additional information you wish to provide?
SALE-UNITED is the culmination of many years of careful planning. This has included extensive interaction with a broad community of scientists. SALE already has engendered great public interest a testified to by the many articles that continuously appear in the popular press. SALE-UNITED will greatly benefit from its designation as an IPY program and the IPY will be the perfect showcase to finally bring SALE exploration and research into its main phase of operation


Professor Mahlon C. Kennicutt II
312 Jack Williams Administration Building
1112 TAMU
College Station, TX

Tel: 979-458-0115
Fax: 979-845-1855

Other project members and their affiliation

Name   Affiliation
John Priscu   Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences, Montana State University, Bozeman, MN 59717 USA
Martin Siegert   Bristol Glaciology Centre, School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol, BS8 1SS, U
Valerii Lukin   Arctic & Antarctic Research Institute, Bering St, 38, St Petersburg, Russia, 199397
Jean-Robert Petit   LGGE-CNRS BP 96, F-38402 St. Martin D=Heres Cedex, France
Ignazio Tabacco   DST. Geofisca, Via Cicognara 7, 20129 Milano, Italy

Other Information

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