International Polar Year
IPY 2007-2008
Published: 21 May 2004
News Archive

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21-05-04 ? IPY Outreach and Education Workshop June 23-25, Washington DC.

?Bridging the Poles? Workshop
June 23-25, 2004, Washington DC

The goals of this workshop are to build stronger partnerships between Arctic and Antarctic communities, and between education and polar research, in order to engage the next generation of scientists, engineers and leaders, and inspire and educate the general public. The workshop will identify strategies that will enable polar scientists to conduct meaningful education and outreach, and for educators to include polar research in their classrooms and outreach activities.
The audience that we will target runs from K through gray: elementary school through undergraduate, and the general public. The timeframe that we are looking at is the next 5 years, including maximizing the educational impact of the International Polar Year in 2007-2009. Polar researchers and educators interested in attending this workshop or
being on our mailing list should send the registration form (attached) to Margie Turrin (mkt@ldeo.columbia.edu) by June 1st if you have not already done so.

For more information, please contact Cynan Ellis-Evans email jcel@bas.ac.uk .

Strengthening international science for the benefit of society