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IPY 2007-2008
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Updated on 24/1/05
News ArchiveIPY Media , Education and Outreach DatabaseThe IPY Media, Education, and Outreach database is now open for submissions.... (05 Dec 2006) Want to get involved in the International Polar Year ? - A call from the IPY Youth Steering CommitteeWant to Get Involved in the International Polar Year? Now is Your Chance! The International Polar Year (IPY; (13 Sep 2006) Polar processes and IPY session opened at ESSPThe organizers for the ESSP meeting in Beijing in November have made another polar session available! Session 38: 'Polar Processes in Global Environmental Systems'.... (13 Sep 2006) Update on the IPY Review ProcessStatus of the IPY Review process The overwhelming response of the international community to the three calls (June 2005, September 2005 and January 2006) for Full Proposals illustrates the way in which IPY 2007-2008 has captured the interest of this community.... (13 Sep 2006) International Polar Year Data Management Report ReleasedA report that compiles recommendations from a data management workshop for the International Polar Year (IPY) is now available.... (25 Aug 2006) ESA IPY Data Announcement of Opportunity (AO)The European Space Agency (ESA) is pleased to announce the opportunity to conduct scientific research and application development in support of the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2008, exploiting ESA Earth Observation missions and ESA Third Party Mission (TPM) data.... (25 Aug 2006) IPY Consultative Forum - 8th July, 2006, HobartAn IPY Consultative Forum will be held in Hobart, Australia on Saturday 8 July 2006, prior to the commencement of the XXIX Meeting of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, the XVIII Meeting of the Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programmes, and the 2nd SCAR Open Science Conference.... (13 Jun 2006) Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme - deadline 1st April, 2006The University of Alaska is pleased to offer 10 postdoctoral fellowships, starting during academic year 06-07, for a period of up to three years to cover the time frame of the fourth International Polar Year plus analysis and publication of results.... (04 Mar 2006) Second Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Open Science ConferenceSecond Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Open Science Conference on "Antarctica in the Earth System" Wednesday 12th to Friday 14th July 2006, Hotel Grand Chancellor, Hobart, Australia.... (10 Feb 2006) Instrumentation related to IPY - a session at the EGU, ViennaThe European Geophysical Union General Assembly in Vienna, April 2nd-7th contains a session: "Instrumentation related to the IPY".... (13 Dec 2005) Preliminary IPY Planning ChartThis IPY planning chart provides a very preliminary 'mapping' of IPY coordination proposals by region (north, south, or both) and by science topic.... (25 Sep 2005) Searchable Database for Fuller Proposals now availableThe database of 109 fuller IPY proposals submitted by the June 30 deadline is now available on the IPY site and can be accessed using a browser-based search facility at (08 Aug 2005) New Schedule and Review Information for IPY ProposalsNew details regarding the IPY schedule and related information is now available.... (14 Jun 2005) The IPO Director and IPO Administrator are now in postThe IPY Programme Office at British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, is now coming online with new staff taking up full time positions.... (09 May 2005) Proposal Template and Guidance Notes for June 30 now availableFollowing the assessment of over 900 Expressions of Intent by the Joint Committee a Call for fuller proposals to be submitted by June 30 was made.... (05 May 2005) EoI assessment letters despatchedFollowing the EoI assessments undertaken by the Joint Committee in its meeting in Paris, March 7-9, the lead contact of each EoI has been emailed (over the period March 30 - April 1) a letter outlining the result of the assessment for their particular proposal.... (01 Apr 2005) New IPY website with a searchable EoI DatabaseThe IPY 2007-2008 website has been running for a full year and has now been given a facelift to more clearly illustrate its polar focus and to reflect the change in management structure from that of the IPY Planning Group to that of the Joint Committee, Consultative Forum and International Programme Office.... (22 Mar 2005) Update on progress with the EoI AssessmentsThe Joint Committee met in Paris on March 7-9 and spent considerable time discussing the evaluations undertaken by the committee members in advance of the meeting of the 870+ Expressions of Intent.... (21 Mar 2005) Announcement of Call for IPY Proposals by June 30, 2005Following the recent first meeting of the IPY Joint Committee it was agreed that the date of June 30, 2005 originally mooted as a submission date for more detailed proposals arising from the recent Expression of Interest exercise was appropriate and that the polar community should aim to work towards developing proposals for that date.... (15 Mar 2005) An updated list of Expressions of Intent is now availableA total of 856 Expressions of Intent have been loaded into the IPY database (as of Feb 21) and you should check that your submission is on the Titles list that is available as an Excel spreadsheet at: www.... (22 Feb 2005) Listing of Expressions of Intent now availableA total of 843 Expressions of Intent have been loaded into the IPY database and you should check that your submission is on the Titles list that is available at: www.... (11 Feb 2005) The IPY Open Consultative Forum Meeting , Paris, March 10-11The first meeting of the Open Consultative Forum for IPY 2007-2008 will be held at the Paris office of IOC (Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission)on March 10-11, 2005.... (01 Feb 2005) Submission of Expressions of Intent reach the 1000 markThank you! The Expression of Intent exercise which closed on Jan 14 has prompted enormous interest from the community with around 1000 submissions made by the deadline.... (21 Jan 2005) Applications for the IPY Executive Director post are invited before Jan 20, 2005WMO and ICSU are undertaking an international competition to appoint an Executive Director for the IPY 2007-2008 International Programme Office.... (04 Jan 2005) WCRP are seeking a new Executive Director for CliCThe World Climate Research Programme and the Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI) are inviting applications for the position of Director of the Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) International Project Office (CIPO).... (20 Dec 2004) IPY Joint Committee and International Programme Office (IPO) established, post of IPO Director advertised, Expression of Intent being acceptedICSU and WMO have established the IPY JC which will be responsible for the scientific planning, coordination, guidance and oversight of the IPY.... (03 Dec 2004) The ICSU/WMO IPY EXPRESSION OF INTENT ON-LINE SUBMISSION AVAILABLEThe IPY Programme Office has now established an online submission form for Expressions of Intent which participants are encouraged to use, rather than the Word document version which is for those without reliable Web access.... (09 Nov 2004) 01-11-04 - Pre-Publication Copy of the Planning Group Report now available online.The Final Report of the IPY 2007-2008 Planning Group is now available online in a pre-publication format.... (01 Nov 2004) 02-09-04 IPY Discussion Forum and Planning Group Meetings, Paris Sept 13-16The ICSU IPY Planning Group will be meeting for the fourth and final time at ICSU Headquarters, Paris on Sept 15-16th.... (02 Sep 2004) 17-08-04 ICSU and WMO seek nominations for the IPY Joint CommitteeThe ICSU Executive Board and the WMO Executive Council have agreed to establish an IPY Joint Committee (JC) for planning and coordination of IPY 2007-2008.... (16 Aug 2004) 26-07-04 Announcement of Opportunity to host the IPY International Programme OfficeThe International Council of Science (ICSU) is inviting offers via National IPY Committees or IPY National Points of Contact to host an International Programme Office (IPO).... (26 Jul 2004) 19-07-04 IPY Presentations and Sessions at SCAR BremenA number of IPY activities are planned for the SCAR Open Science Conference/COMNAP meetings in Bremen over the week beginning July 26.... (25 Jul 2004) 16-07-04 An iAnZone Meeting at UEA to plan an IPY research programmeThe SCOR research programme iAnZone is holding a workshop at the University of East Anglia to discuss the next iAnZone project which will be an IPY Contribution.... (23 Jul 2004) 17-06-04 IPY Related Outputs from the Arctic Social Sciences Meeting in FairbanksIPY RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE IASSA GENERAL ASSEMBLY ON MAY 23, 2004, IN FAIRBANKS, ALASKA Resolution 1 Whereas: The decision has been taken by the ICSU to launch an International Polar Year initiative in 2007-2008 (IPY 2007?2008); Recognizing the clear desire, expressed by ICSU itself, to develop a truly interdisciplinary IPY 2007-2008 agenda that will fully cover the socio-cultural dimensions of polar research and a broader education and outreach component throughout that agenda of benefit to polar communities, especially, to Arctic indigenous peoples; Recognizing the difficulties that have been experienced thus far in consulting with the social sciences and Arctic communities during the preparation of the IPY 2007?2008 science plan.... (17 Jun 2004) 15-06-04 IPY Outreach/Education Workshop in WashingtonThe "Bridging the Poles" Workshop aims to improve Polar Education effectiveness and contribute to gearing up outreach and education initiatives for IPY 2007-2008 The meeting is being held in the Marriott Washington Hotel, Washington DC on June 23-25, 2004 and has been convened with NSF funding by Prof.... (15 Jun 2004) 29-05-04 Korea is added to the list of IPY 2007-2008 National CommitteesA Korean IPY Committee has been formed by the Korean National Committee on Polar Research (KONPOR)chaired by Prof.... (29 May 2004) 24-05-04 The US-IPY Committee has published it's White Paper on IPY 2007-2008The report ?A Vision for the International Polar Year 2007-2008," outlines the US-IPY Committee?s vision of key science challenges, enabling technologies, and public outreach opportunities.... (24 May 2004) 21-05-04 ? IPY Outreach and Education Workshop June 23-25, Washington DC.?Bridging the Poles? Workshop June 23-25, 2004, Washington DC The goals of this workshop are to build stronger partnerships between Arctic and Antarctic communities, and between education and polar research, in order to engage the next generation of scientists, engineers and leaders, and inspire and educate the general public.... (21 May 2004) |