International Polar Year
IPY 2007-2008
Published: 15 Jun 2004
News Archive

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15-06-04 IPY Outreach/Education Workshop in Washington

The "Bridging the Poles" Workshop aims to improve Polar Education effectiveness
and contribute to gearing up outreach and education initiatives for IPY 2007-2008

The meeting is being held in the Marriott Washington Hotel, Washington DC on June
23-25, 2004 and has been convened with NSF funding by Prof. Stephane Pfirman and
Dr. Robin Bell of Columbia University. The participants comprise 15 teachers/educators,
6 museum or exhibit specialists, 5 media specialists, 7 agencies that link science and
teachers, 5 Indigenous specialists, 9 scientists, 3 education specialists, 2 international representatives, and 8 members of NSF.

The specific Workshop Goals are to:
* Improve the effectiveness of polar education
* Better integrate polar research and polar education
* Build stronger partnerships between Arctic and Antarctic communities

The target audience are elementary school through undergraduate, and the general public.
The objective is to engage the next generation of scientists, engineers and leaders and
to inspire and educate the general public.

More details are available at - http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~mkt/PolarED_Web.htm

For more information, please contact Margie Turrin - Email: mkt@ldeo.columbia.edu.

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