International Polar Year
IPY 2007-2008
Published: 17 Jun 2004
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17-06-04 IPY Related Outputs from the Arctic Social Sciences Meeting in Fairbanks


Resolution 1
The decision has been taken by the ICSU to launch an International Polar Year initiative in 2007-2008 (IPY 2007?2008);
Recognizing the clear desire, expressed by ICSU itself, to develop a truly interdisciplinary IPY 2007-2008 agenda that will fully cover the socio-cultural dimensions of polar research and a broader education and outreach component throughout that agenda of benefit to polar communities, especially, to Arctic indigenous peoples;
Recognizing the difficulties that have been experienced thus far in consulting with the social sciences and Arctic communities during the preparation of the IPY 2007?2008 science plan.

That the current draft version of the Outline Science Plan (OSP) under consultation includes very few suggestions by the social sciences and Arctic communities;

And whereas:
The final version of the OSP has to be tabled to ICSU this fall;

The IASSA General Assembly then resolved:
To strongly encourage the ICSU to include the research priorities and suggestions generated by the social sciences, Arctic indigenous organizations, and polar communities concerning the objectives, themes and issues of IPY 2007?2008 into the final version of its Science Plan.

Resolution 2
The IPY 2007?2008 Planning Group (IPY ? PG) in charge of the preparation of the final version of the science plan to be tabled to ICSU this fall does not adequately incorporate the social sciences and Arctic communities? perspectives, due to its current composition;
The existing IPY-PG will be dissolved in the fall of 2004, after its report is tabled to ICSU;
The IPY 2007?2008 will then be coordinated by a new Implementation Committee to be appointed by ICSU this fall;
Such a new implementation committee with a more representative membership of the physical, natural, and social sciences, Arctic indigenous organizations, and polar communities will lead the IPY 2007?2008 towards a truly interdisciplinary plan;

The IASSA General Assembly then resolved:
To strongly encourage ICSU to appoint an Implementation Committee for the IPY 2007?2008 based upon a balanced representation of physical, natural, and social scientists, Arctic indigenous organizations, and polar communities.

In addition to these resolutions, the Association have established a special IASSA IPY task force to facilitate cooperation between IASSA and the ICSU PG. Dr. Igor Krupnik (Smithsonian Institution, USA; Email: krupnik.Igor@nmnh.si.edu) was elected chair of the task force

For more information, please contact Contact: fyiassa@uaf.edu or access the web site http://www.uaf.edu/anthro/iassa .

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