International Polar Year
IPY 2007-2008
Published: 01 Apr 2005
News Archive

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EoI assessment letters despatched

Following the EoI assessments undertaken by the Joint Committee in its meeting in Paris, March 7-9, the lead contact of each EoI has been emailed (over the period March 30 - April 1) a letter outlining the result of the assessment for their particular proposal. Proposals have been assessed according to the criteria outlined in the Framework document (available under the Development tab on the website) and categorised as Category 1 (meeting the IPY criteria), Category 2(meeting most but not all key criteria) and Category 3 (meeting some criteria but particularly not meeting the internationalisation criterion). A very small number of EoI's are considered inappropriate for IPY as they currently stand and are not being encouraged to develop these proposals further.

Guidance on how EoI's can potentially be grouped together are given in a set of tables available via a hyperlink from www.ipy.org | Development |Expression of intent. These tables show all the clusters of EoI's identified by the JC and those EoI's suggested by the Committee as potential lead projects for specific cluster topics. It is made clear in the letters that these clusters are not the "last word" on how IPY projects should be structured - they provide a tentative framework based on the EoI's submitted. Some linkages between EoI's will not have been identified by the JC and some of the cluster components may not necessarily be in the right cluster. It is the hope of the JC that the community will interact with each other and develop this draft project structure over the coming months.

For more information, please contact Cynan Ellis-Evans email jcel@bas.ac.uk .

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