International Polar Year
IPY 2007-2008
Updated on 25/1/05


ID Source Theme Titles of Ideas Submitted by Science Organisations
PDF469 AICI Various POLARICE: An International Collaborative Effort in study of Cryosphere-Atmosphere interactions and their relationship to Climate Change
PDF92 AOSB/AOSF 1 A multi-platform Intensive Observing Period to focus on the Arctic Ocean itself and the climatic drivers of its variability
PDF92b AOSB/AOSF 1 An integrative circum-arctic assessment of the physical, ecological and socio-economic importance of the Arctic shelves
PDF92c AOSB/AOSF 3 A study of the role of the High Latitude Oceans in the Global Water Cycle
PDF467 AOSB Various The Northern Seas at a time of Global Change – An AOSB-CliC observing plan for IPY
PDF237 Arctic Council 1 The Arctic Human Development Report and the Survey of Living Conditions in the Arctic could provide platforms for IPY
PDF237b Arctic Council 2 Activities building on ACIA would be a useful way to develop this activity
PDF237c Arctic Council 1 Arctic pollution monitoring - IPY, AMAP & CAFF could set up comprehensive network of circumpolar monitoring stations
PDF57 ASPeCT 1 Antarctic Sea Ice Thickness in The International Polar Year
PDF90 CAWSES 5 CAWSES (Climate And Weather of the Sun-Earth System) - understanding physical processes in the Sun-Earth system
PDF129 CLIVAR/CliC 3 The role of the high latitude oceans in the global water cycle
PDF414 CLIVAR/CliC/SCAR Various A strategy for Southern Ocean IPY – integrating all the ideas proposed for Southern Ocean activities in IPY
PDF468 CLIVAR/CliC/SCAR 1 Southern Ocean chokepoints: Monitoring fluxes associated with water exchanges between the three ocean basins
PDF25 EPB U INTERNATIONAL POLAR YEAR 2007- EPB European Involvement and Vision
PDF19 EPB 2 EURO-IPY – a coordinated contribution by Europe to climate change impacts in the Arctic 
PDF115 EPB 1 SOUTHERN OCEAN CIRCLE – The role of the Southern Ocean in the Earth System
PDF23 IASC 1 ICARP II -Understanding the Arctic System: Regional Sustainable Development & Global Connections
PDF50 IGAC 2 Air-Ice Chemical Interactions (AICI) and the IPY
PDF364 iAnZone 1 SASSI - Synoptic Antarctic Shelf-Slope Interactions
PDF9 IGBP U IGBP regional study of polar regions matches well with IPY
PDF89 IHY 5 INTERNATIONAL HELIOPHYSICAL YEAR (IHY) - study the solar-generated events that affect life and climate on Earth
PDF333 IOC  1  IOC intentions for IPY – a) developing techniques for managing polar coastal environments (onshore and offshore)
PDF333b IOC 2 Rescue inaccessible analog ocean data and store it in digital form for ease of retrieval, application, and exchange.
PDF333c IOC 2 Create a bipolar Ocean Data and Information Network (ODIN) of National Ocean Data Centres
PDF333d IOC 2 Facilitate development of the polar elements of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS)
PDF58 IPA 1 The Thermal State of Permafrost: A Contribution to the International Polar Year
PDF416 IPAB 1 Increase long term support for the International Arctic Buoy Program in conjunction with IPY.
PDF18 ISIRA U International Science Initiative in the Russian Arctic (ISIRA) to assist  science/sustainable development in Russian Arctic
PDF24 ISPRC 1 Earth Observation workshop in 2007 to link with IPY.
PDF28 IUGG 3 IGY+50 - An opportunity to celebrate the achievements of IGY using new technology and fuller uderstanding of systems
PDF130 IUGG 5 eGY- An Electronic Geophysical Year initiative coinciding with 50-year anniversary of the highly successful IGY 1957-58.
PDF27 IUGS 3 UNESCO International Year of Planet Earth 2004-07  - Earth Sciences for Society – “The Year”
PDF334 JCOMM 2 JCOMM Intentions for IPY (a) improve and enhance ocean observing systems in polar seas, to make the products and services more effective for local communities, and facilitate ongoing research into long-term climate change
PDF334b JCOMM 1 Develop and deploy the technology for under-ice Argo-type floats for a comprehensive year-round picture of circulation
PDF334c JCOMM 1 Enhance the network of surface drifters in water and on sea-ice to provide information on sea surface temperature, marine meteorology, and ocean currents
PDF334d JCOMM 1 Reactivation of existing and the establishment of new sea level measurement stations, including those in polar regions
PDF334e JCOMM 1 Harmonise the collection of sea-ice coverage, thickness and properties
PDF334f JCOMM 2 Improve the management of sea-ice data, include long term archiving in JCOMM Global Digital Sea Ice Data Bank (GDSIDB)
PDF334g JCOMM 1 Improve polar ocean bathymetry, so as to improve the output of advanced numerical models of the ocean and climate
PDF60 PAG 1 The Pacific Arctic Group (PAG) proposes coordinated regional studies in the Canada Basin and Arctic marginal seas
PDF335 SCAR 3 Improved integration of geophysical initiatives to improve understanding of continental tectonics, and to establish the thermal evolution of the continental crust
PDF335b SCAR 2 Study the climate and glacial history of Antarctica through palaeoclimate and ice sheet modelling investigations, integrated with terrestrial and marine geological and geophysical evidence for past changes
PDF335c SCAR 2 Understand the recent geological history of Antarctica through Neotectonics
PDF335d SCAR 2 Unify existing programmes on EASIZ, RiSCC and EVOLANTA to develop “Evolutionary Biology in Antarctica (EBA)”
PDF335e SCAR 1 Create a Marine Biodiversity Information Network to compile, disseminate, integrate information on Antarctic marine biodiversity
PDF335f SCAR 1 Analyzing, understanding and modeling of katabatic wind events
PDF335g SCAR 1 Understanding the role of Antarctic Tropospheric Aerosols in Climate, using the Antarctic Aerosol Optical Depth network
PDF335h SCAR 1 Understanding the relationship between Ice Sheet Mass Balance and Sea Level
PDF335i SCAR 1 Expanding the critical measurements needed to validate satellite data; to ensure comprehensive observations of sea-ice and to significantly enhance ice-sheet and ice-cap monitoring.
PDF59 SCAR 2 SCAR-RiSCC  Terrestrial/Limnetic Ecosystem Science in Antarctica: An Opportunity for The International Polar Year,
PDF15 SCAR 4 SCAR-SALE    Exploration of subglacial environments, particularly subglacial lakes of Antarctica. 
PDF363 SCAR 1 Taking the Polar Pulse – Human Biology and Medicine in Antarctica
PDF412 SCAR-GSSG various GSSG Initiatives for the International Polar Year – outlining a series of proposed Antarctic initiatives for IPY.
PDF413 SCAR-SSGPS-AAA 5 Astronomical Site Testing at Dome A
PDF20 SCOR-SCAR 2 IAnZone -  Exchanges Across Antarctic & Arctic Circumpolar Shelf Break Fronts: Similarities, Differences & Impacts.
PDF29b URSI 5 Solar variability coupling to middle atmosphere,
PDF29c URSI 5 Relations of upper atmosphere phenomena with climate, ecosystems and environments
PDF29 URSI 5 Space weather
PDF3 WCRP 3 Snow and ice/albedo feedback, and the related negative feedbacks (eg. cloud) that regulate polar and global climate
PDF3b WCRP 1 The high latitude radiation budget and the role of polar clouds
PDF3c WCRP 1 Physical & chemical processes in the polar stratosphere - their interactions with tropospheric circulation & processes
PDF3d WCRP 3 Teleconnections between atmospheric conditions and circulation in the polar regions and at lower latitudes
PDF3e WCRP 3 Ocean circulation and water mass modification in polar regions and their interaction with the global THC
PDF3f WCRP 3 Changes to the global hydrological cycle, their manifestation at polar latitudes and their relation to global climate.
PDF3g WCRP 3 Polar feedbacks on atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, eg, through thawing permafrost or sea ice removal
PDF3h WCRP 2 Changes to ice sheets and other polar land ice, regarding sea-level change and possible role in rapid climate change
PDF3i WCRP 1 The processes responsible for high latitude climatic variability on the decadal time scale.
PDF16 WMO 1 WMO proposals for IPY


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