International Polar Year
IPY 2007-2008
Updated on 13/2/09
National Committees
Points of Contact

National Organisation

At the National level a number of National Committees for IPY 2007-2008 have been formed to promote the Polar Year, help coordinate each countries contributions to IPY and to interact with the national funding agencies.

Under this tab are two pages listing (a) National Committees membership and contact details and (b) National Points of Contact (POC), where no committee has yet been formed. Some of the National Committees have established web sites which are listed on the Links page

Heads of the Arctic and Antarctic IPY Secretariats (HAIS)

HAIS 7, 16th October, 2009

The seventh HAIS Meeting was held on the 16th October 2009 at the Norwegian Research Council in Oslo, Norway.

Below are a list of documents from this meeting including the Minutes.

HAIS 7 Minutes (DRAFT)

HAIS 7 BipAG Report

HAIS 7 IPY-legacy


HAIS 7 Canadian Update

HAIS 7 Japan National Report

HAIS 7 Poland National Report

HAIS 6, 26th January, 2009

The sixth HAIS Meeting was held on the 26th January 2009 at Bristish Antarctic Survey, cambridge, UK.

Below are a list of documents from this meeting including the Minutes.

HAIS 6/E 1: Agenda

HAIS 6 Minutes (FINAL)

HAIS 6/E 4.1: IPO Extension Document - circulated at meeting - NOT to be circulated further

HAIS 6/E 5.2: Arctic Council Proposal

HAIS 6/E 5.5.3: SIAEOS1

HAIS 6/E 5.4.1: SAON Report and TOR

HAIS 6 /E 5.4.2: PAntOS

HAIS 6/E 5.4.3: EU

HAIS 6/E 5.5.1: Arctic Panel Report

HAIS 6/E 5.5.4:Aurora Borealis

HAIS 6/E 8.3: National Report: Poland

HAIS 6/ E 8.4: US Arctic Policy

HAIS 5, 19-20th May, 2008

The fifth HAIS Meeting was held 19th to 20th My, 2008 at the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.

Below are a list of documents from this meeting including the draft minutes.

HAIS 5 Agenda

HAIS 5 Minutes

IPY.Project Proposal on IPY Legacy 23 January 2008
HAIS-5.IPY IPO Planning 2008 and Beyond
HAIS-5.Svalbard Science Forum
IPY Legacies AC SAO Apr 08
Poland HAIS-5
HAIS-5. Japanese organization
HAIS-5. report - UK ACTIVITIES IN THE IPY 2007-2008[1]
HAIS-5.Russia (Presentation)
HAIS-5.Thanks HAIS


HAIS 4, 5-6 November, 2007

The Fourth HAIS meeting was held 5-6 November 2007 at the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI) in St Petersburg, Russian Federation.

Below are a list of documents from this meeting including the draft minutes.

Draft HAIS 4 Minutes
HAIS 4: Arctic Portal
HAIS 4: National Report Japan
HAIS 4: National Report Poland
HAIS 4: National Report USA
HAIS 4: USA IPY Education Awards 2006
HAIS 4: USA IPY Education Awards 2007
HAIS 4: USA IPY International Collaborations One
HAIS 4: USA IPY International Collaborations Two
HAIS 4: Funding International Polar Research Egerton

HAIS 3, 15 March 2007

The Third HAIS meeting was held on 15 March 2007 as an evening meeting during the Arctic Science Summit Week in Hanover New Hampshire.

HAIS 3 Agenda
HAIS 3 Minutes

HAIS 2, 1-2 February, 2007

The Second HAIS meeting was held 1-2 February, 2007 at the Danish Polar Centre, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Below are a list of documents, including the draft minutes, from this meeting:

Draft HAIS 2 Minutes
HAIS 2_A1_List of Participants
HAIS 2_A2_Next steps for IPY legacy
HAIS 2_A3_SAON Summary
HAIS 2_A4_Arctic Portal presentation
HAIS 2_A5_ Maintaining IPY momentum
HAIS 2_A6_ Proposal for POst IPY events

HAIS 1, 5-6 October, 2007

The first HAIS meeting was held 5-6 October 2006 at the National Academies of Science, Washington DC, USA.

The idea with this meeting was to invite heads of national IPY secretariats for exchanging information, particularly present funding status, and to discuss issues of potential joint interest.

For practical reasons, the participants came from the northern hemisphere (hence called Arctic). However, both Polar Regions were included in the discussions.

Below are a list of documents and national reports from this meeting:

HAIS 1: Provisional Agenda
HAIS 1: List of Participants
HAIS 1: Draft Minutes

HAIS 1: National Report - Iceland
HAIS 1: Iceland - Artic Portal
HAIS 1: National Report - UK
HAIS 1: Attachment 6a_IPY Honeycomb _UK involvement
HAIS 1: Attachment 6b_UKIPY-full proposal involvement
HAIS 1: National Reports - USA
HAIS 1: US Presentation
HAIS 1: National Report - Italy
HAIS 1: National Report - Netherlands
HAIS 1: National Report - Japan
HAIS 1: National Report - Japan - Appendix 1
HAIS 1: National Report - Japan - Appendix 2
HAIS 1: National Report - Japan - Appendix 3
HAIS 1: National Report - Canada
HAIS 1: National Report - European Agency Cooperation
HAIS 1: National Report - Russia
HAIS 1: National Report - Denmark
HAIS 1: Legacy
HAIS 1: Communication Paper

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