International Polar Year
IPY 2007-2008
Updated on 05/01/2009

Expressions of Intent for IPY 2007-2008 Activities

Browsing Antarctic EoIs (Total: 376)

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ID No. Title Country
459 CANADA #137:Training Program for Decision Makers – The Circumpolar North in the Global Context Canada

462 CANADA #18:Canadian IPY Publications Database Canada

465 CANADA #47:Mission Antarctique Canada

468 Center for Polar Education and Communication USA

469 The POLAR POST: An International Online Journal and Virtual Community Highlighting Research and Activities of the International Polar Year USA

471 CANADA #42:International Polar Schools Program Canada

479 Terrestrial and Lacustrine Ecology of the Prince Charles Mountains Australia

481 CANADA #6: Electronic Atlas/Database of Circum Arctic Gas Hydrate Occurrences and Accumulation Characteristics Canada

486 Interdisciplinary Ross Ice Shelf Studies USA

488 CANADA #116:Pilot Project for Coordination of Northern Voice in development of national policy Canada

489 CANADA #46:Online Database of Circumpolar Community Profiles Canada

490 CANADA #30: Scientific Visualization of Circumpolar Arctic Environments: Canada

493 CANADA #117: Patterns of individual participation in local community as affected by increasing use of technology, and resulting health impacts Canada

494 CANADA #115:Yukon First Nations Public Health Initiative Canada

499 Circum Antarctic Zircon Census Ukraine

501 Polar Hemispheric Acquisition of Remote Observations of the Environment by Satellites Netherlands

507 CANADA #84: Capturing the Legacy: Recovery, rehabilitation, digitization, and translation of historic data Canada

510 CANADA #20:Environmental Monitoring and Aboriginal Land Claims: Implementation Challenges Canada

515 CANADA # 14: Aboriginal Voice in Environmental Impact Assessment: A preliminary proposal to create a national database of public record statements by Northern Aboriginal people elicited during environmental assessment processes. Canada

516 CANADA #55: International Network for Circumpolar Health Research Canada

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