International Polar Year
IPY 2007-2008
Updated on 05/01/2009

Expressions of Intent for IPY 2007-2008 Activities

Browsing Arctic EoIs (Total: 842)

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ID No. Title Country
454 CANADA #107: Vulnerability of Human Communities to Environmental Change across the Arctic Canada

457 CANADA #173:Circumpolar Human Health Monitoring Network Canada

459 CANADA #137:Training Program for Decision Makers – The Circumpolar North in the Global Context Canada

460 CANADA #25: The Canadian Arctic Ocean Genome Project Canada

461 CANADA #132:Une éducation intégrée au tissu socioéconomique des régions du grand Nord Canada

462 CANADA #18:Canadian IPY Publications Database Canada

463 CANADA# 65: International Conference devoted to a scientific synthesis of state-of-the-art understanding on the topic of "Polar Climate Stability”, led by the CFCAS sponsored Polar Climate Stability Network. Canada

464 CANADA #27: Canadian Arctic Network of Coastal Observatories Canada

466 CANADA #202: Arctic Connections through Space and Time: The Archaeology of Inuit Interaction Canada

467 CANADA #89: Measuring how far south the North has been - ancient and historic human settlement on past and present coastlines (Labrador and the Island of Newoundland). Canada

468 Center for Polar Education and Communication USA

469 The POLAR POST: An International Online Journal and Virtual Community Highlighting Research and Activities of the International Polar Year USA

470 CANADA #66:Research as a Resource: The Role of Research in Strengthening Self-Governing Yukon First Nations Canada

471 CANADA #42:International Polar Schools Program Canada

472 CANADA #35:Bedrock geological and related ecosystem-related studies in Nunavut National Parks Canada

473 CANADA #176:Assessment of the Impact of Addressing the Social Determinants of Health on Projected Healthcare Costs in the Yukon Territory Canada

475 CANADA #11 : ARCTICSTAT. Banque de données socioéconomiques sur l’Arctique circumpolaire Canada

476 CANADA #131:Analyzing the effects of spatial configuration on human movement and social interaction in Canadian Arctic Communities. Canada

477 Deterrents to Participation in Adult Learning Canada

478 CANADA #90: ARCTEC: A Cumulative Effects Toolbox for Northern Ecological and Social Systems Canada

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