International Polar Year
IPY 2007-2008
Updated on 05/01/2009

Expressions of Intent for IPY 2007-2008 Activities

Browsing Antarctic EoIs (Total: 376)

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ID No. Title Country
107 Geodynamics of the West Antarctic Rift System (WARS) in Remote Ellsworth Land and its implications for the stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Germany

108 An enhanced network of Antarctic Sea Ice Buoys: an optimal deployment for the International Polar Year 2007-2008 developed by the WCRP/SCAR International Programme for Antarctic Buoys Italy

109 Role of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean in Past, Present and Future Climate: A strategy for the International Polar Year 2007-2008 Australia

111 ANDEEP-SYSTCO (ANtarctic benthic DEEP-sea biodiversity: colonisation history and recent community patterns - SYSTem COupling) Germany

112 Amundsen Sea Embayment Plan USA

113 High resolution data assimilation, modelling and reanalysis for the Arctic Sweden

117 Forcing from the Ocean and Climate in Antarctica Italy

121 Pan-Arctic synthesis of proxy climate records spanning the last 2000 years USA

123 Proposal of Integrated International Stations in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica Japan

140 The Thermal State of Permafrost (TSP): A Contribution from Portugal to an International Network of Permafrost Observatories (INPO) by IPA Portugal

148 International CCAMLR 2008 synoptic survey of krill , pelagic fish and plankton biomass and biodiversity in the South Atlantic (Area 48) Germany

149 Sea-Ice-Atmospheric Signals of Mid latitudes-Antarctic Linkages Brazil

150 Electronic Geophysical Year, 2007-2008 USA

153 Cenozoic bryozoans in West Antarctica - taxonomy, biogeography and evolution Poland

154 The Study of Short-Term Arctic Sea Ice Predictability: Sea ice forecast research in support of International Ice Chart Working Group (IICWG) requirements USA

156 Study of the Separation between Antarctica and South America: its geological and biological implications. Brazil

161 Archaeology, Biogeography, and Evolution of Natural and Anthropogenic Chemosynthetic Ecosystems in the Antarctic USA

162 Accessing Grey Literature of the Polar Regions USA

164 International Sea Ice Summer School 2007 Norway

166 Temporary Antarctic Network of Geophysical Observatories italy

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