International Polar Year
IPY 2007-2008
Updated on 05/01/2009

Expressions of Intent for IPY 2007-2008 Activities

Browsing Arctic EoIs (Total: 842)

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ID No. Title Country
158 Impact of Aerosols on the Arctic Hydrological Cycle USA

159 Incoherent Scatter Monitoring of the Polar Atmosphere Sweden

162 Accessing Grey Literature of the Polar Regions USA

164 International Sea Ice Summer School 2007 Norway

165 Impact of Arctic Aerosols on Climate Modifications Poland

167 Local and long-range interactions of polar mesocyclones UK

169 Management and Preservation Techniques for Disk-Based Archival Storage to Support Polar Exploration USA

170 Iron-Promoted Transformation of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Arctic Ecosystems USA

171 Greenland Ice Streams Through Late Quaternary Glacial-Interglacial Cycles UK

174 Geoscientific surveys in the Nares Strait gateway (Lincoln Sea and Baffin Bay) - Investigating the plate tectonic history between Greenland and Ellesm Germany

175 Permafrost and Climate in the European North Atlantic Sector UK

176 Sustainability at the timberline: challenges of governance in forestry Finland

177 The Economy of the North: Impacts and effects of climate change in the Arctic Norway

179 Arctic System Reanalysis USA

182 Arctic Circumpolar Coastal Observatory Network Germany

183 Arctic Palaeoclimate and its Extremes Sweden

185 Assessing, understanding, and conveying the state of the Arctic sea ice cover USA

187 Understanding Greenland Ice Sheet Response To Global Warming UK

190 Interaction between permafrost processes and ice-sheet dynamics during deglaciation of the NW Laurentide Ice Sheet UK

196 The Earth Exploration Toolbook: Facilitating the Use of IPY Data in Education USA

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