International Polar Year
IPY 2007-2008
Updated on 05/01/2009

Expressions of Intent for IPY 2007-2008 Activities

Browsing Arctic EoIs (Total: 842)

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ID No. Title Country
69 Stability of the Greenland Ice Sheet UK

70 Research for Drift forecasting in the Arctic for Marine Environment and Safety. Norway

71 COLLAPSE AND ADAPTATION: Comparative Boundary Systems, Prehistory and Ecology in the Arctic. USA

73 Pan Arctic Snow Observation and Modeling: A leap-ahead in Arctic snow cover monitoring USA

74 Exploring the Spatial Distribution of Water Beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet Over the North-GRIP Area Using Radar USA

75 Islands of Arctic Life Norway

76 Northern Material Culture through International Polar Year Collections, Then and Now: In the Footsteps of Murdoch and Turner USA

77 Marine Mammal Exploration of the Oceans - Pole to Pole Norway

78 Holocene climates of the North Atlantic Arctic: a context for 20th century warming USA

79 Quantifying late Holocene climate change in the Arctic: Calibrating the lamination stratigraphy of Lake Linné, Svalbard USA


85 Mapping polar regions – an integrated bathymetric, geological and geophysical mapping project UK

86 Detecting Oceanic Changes through Arctic Sea Ice Coring USA

88 IPY related publication, project and grey literature databases Finland

90 The Dynamic Continental Margin Between the Mid-Atlantic-Ridge System (Mohns Ridge, Knipovich Ridge) and the Bear Island Region Norway

91 SEDARC: Arctic Gateways, high latitude thermohaline circulation, sediment transport pathways and ice sheet dynamics, Fram Strait (74ºN-85ºN) UK

93 VI International Conference on Disturbance Dynamics in Boreal Forests: The Potential Effects of Climate Change USA

94 Firn Densification Under Surface Melt Conditions: Impacts on Surface Elevation, Runoff, and Englacial Water Delivery, Percolation Facies, Greenland USA

97 Isotopic assessment of proglacial fluvial environment under global change Poland

98 Alaska Ocean Observing System USA

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